Showing 641 - 650 of 655
In this paper, we contribute to the nascent literature on nowcasting and forecasting GDP in emerging market economies using big data methods. This is done by analyzing the usefulness of various dimension reduction, machine learning and shrinkage methods including sparse principal component...
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In this paper, we review econometric methodology that is used to test for jumps and to decompose realized volatility into continuous and jump components. In order to illustrate how to implement the methods discussed, we also present the results of an empirical analysis in which we separate...
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In this paper, we evaluate the marginal predictive content of a variety of new business conditions and economic uncertainty indexes. Our indexes are defined as latent factors extracted from a high dimensional macroeconomic dataset (business conditions indexes) and as functions of predictive...
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In this paper, we provide new empirical evidence of the relative usefulness of interval (density) and point forecasts of asset-return volatility, in the context of financial risk management using high frequency data. In our evaluation we use both statistical criteria (i.e., accuracy of...
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In this paper we construct output gap and inflation predictions using a variety of DSGE sticky price models. Predictive density accuracy tests related to the test discussed in Corradi and Swanson (2005a) as well as predictive accuracy tests due to Diebold and Mariano (1995) and West (1996) are...
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We take a model selection approach to the question of whether a class of adaptive prediction models (artificial neural networks) is useful for predicting future values of nine macroeconomic variables. We use a variety of out-of-sample forecast-based model selection criteria, including forecast...
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French Abstract: L’analyse des données massives en économie : ce qu’on a appris jusqu’à maintenant et quelles directions pour la prochaine étape? Les travaux sur les tests de précision des prévisions demeurent au premier plan dans le monde de la prévision. Une première raison est...
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Large aggregation interval asymptotics are used to investigate the relation between Granger causalityin disaggregated vector autoregressions (VARs) and associated contemporaneous correlation among innovations of the aggregated system. One of our main contributions is that we outline various...
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When specifying and estimating latent factor models, a common assumption made is one of factor pervasiveness, which requires that Γ'Γ/N converges to a positive definite matrix, as N → ∞, where Γ denotes the loading matrix of the factor model. This paper builds on the recent nascent...
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This paper provides new evidence on the rationality of early releases of industrial production (IP) and producer price index (PPI) data. Rather than following the usual practice of examining only first available and fully revised data, we examine the entire revision history for each variable....
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