Showing 261 - 270 of 275
The current contribution presents poverty indicators for West and East Germany for the years 1995 and 2009. The analysis is based on the two corresponding waves of the GSOEP. We only consider households with at least one senior citizen aged 65 or above. Furthermore, we distinguish between male...
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We analyze the supply and demand of skilled labor in an East German federal state, Thuringia. This state has been facing high unemployment in the course of economic transformation and experiences population ageing and shrinking more rapidly than most West European regions. In a first step, we...
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Die bislang bestehenden Förderkonzepte zur Gründung einer selbständigen Existenz aus der Arbeitslosigkeit – das Überbrückungsgeld und der Existenzgründungszuschuß – sollen zum 1. August 2006 zu einem einheitlichen Förderkonzept „Gründungszuschuß“ zusammengefaßt werden. Neben...
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In der Öffentlichkeit besteht ein großes Interesse daran, welche Aktivitäten sowohl insgesamt als auch in Teilaspekten von der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, den Arbeitsgemeinschaften (ARGE) und den optierenden Kommunen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt erfolgen. Dies betrifft einerseits die als arbeitslos...
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The paper presents three approaches currently discussed, which might be useful attempts to protect income not to fall below a certain threshold. These concepts are either useful in the case of unemployment or for employees in the low wage sector of the economy. The approaches discussed have...
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The contribution provides an overview of several poverty measures in European countries. These measures are recommended by the so-called Laeken criteria and include, among others, the level of poverty income, the Gini coefficient as a measure of inequality of the income distribution as well as...
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Relative Armut in unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsschichten rückt seit einigen Jahren verstärkt in die öffentliche Diskussion – sei es als Armut von Kindern, Langzeitarbeitslosen oder Geringverdienern, Alleinerziehenden oder Rentnern. Bei der Festlegung, wer arm ist, hat das persönliche...
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We forecast the number of qualified workers required in the German federal state Thuringia until 2015 on the basis of the manpower requirement approach. Disaggregated by types of qualification, this method distinguishes between two sources of recruitment requirements: replacement demand for old...
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Temporary work is one of the fastest growing branches in Germany. This development in a sustained manner influences the whole German labour market. The special organization of this sort of employment for various reasons makes it very attractive to employers and employees as well. Nevertheless,...
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The current situation with respect to the economic development in Germany may be characterized as somewhat suppressed as opposed to euphoric. And this statement holds although the German economy is in an upswing phase since 2005, and the GDP growth rates clearly exceed 2% per annum. The main...
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