Showing 31 - 40 of 5,614
Children’s lives have been transformed over the past century. Family incomes haveincreased, children lead more solitary lives, attitudes to childhood have changed, newproducts have been developed and commercial pressures on children have increased.The importance of these commercial pressures...
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This paper presents evidence on the impact of individual as well as regionalcharacteristics on changes in fat, protein, alcohol and cigarette consumption, and on diet’sdiversity between 1994 and 2004. The results from a dynamic econometric model suggestthat among individual determinants such...
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In an overlapping generations model, momentary equilibria are defined as points that lieon the intergenerational offer curve, i.e., they satisfy agents’ optimality conditions and marketclearing at any date. However, some dynamic sequences commencing from such points may notbe considered valid...
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Rejuveniles are "grown-ups who cultivate juvenile tastes in products and entertain-ment". In this note, we study a standard AK growth model of overlapping gener-ations populated by rejuveniles. For our purposes, rejuveniles are old agents whoderive utility from "keeping up" their consumption...
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Der Ort der Handlung ist ein Supermarkt, Darsteller sind Marktleiter,Kassiererinnen, Aushilfskräfte und Kunden, zu überwinden sind Problemeder Arbeitsorganisation, Warenpräsentation und -lagerung. Dies isteine ungewöhnliche Konstellation - selbst für einen Regisseur wie ITAMIJüzö, der...
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Trends im Konsumverhalten der Haushalte, eine veränderte industrielleArbeitsteilung in Asien, neue Möglichkeiten der Informationsversorgungsowie die kommende Altengesellschaft haben das Interesse von Politikund Medien an dem nichtproduzierenden Sektor in Japan in den letztenJahren stark...
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Advertisements provide consumers with knowledge about private products, whereas political information is required to provide voters with knowledge of public issues. Modern information technologies and globalization are increasing the exposure of individuals to information. Goods advertising is...
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The question of whether two drugs - namely alcohol and tobacco - are used as complements or substitutes is of crucial interest if side-effects of anti-smoking policies are considered. Numerous papers have empirically addressed this issue by estimating demand systems for alcohol and tobacco and...
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We analyze the stochastic control approach to the dynamic maximization of the robust utility of consumption and investment. The robust utility functionals are defined in terms of logarithmic utility and a dynamically consistent convex riskmeasure. The underlying market is modeled by a diffusion...
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Was the increase in income inequality in the US due to permanent shocks or merely to anincrease in the variance of transitory shocks? The implications for consumption and welfaredepend crucially on the answer to this question. We use CEX repeated cross-section data onconsumption and income to...
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