Showing 41 - 50 of 232
Macroeconomic dynamic models are often criticized because the households’ behavior is summarized by a representative agent and, then, they do not take into account consumers’ heterogeneity. Reconsidering the Woodford (1986) infinite-horizon model and the Reichlin (1986) OLG model, we show...
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While most of the literature concerned with indeterminacy considers a representative agent, some recent works have investigated the role of heterogenous agents on dynamics. This paper adds a contribution to the debate, stressing the effects of heterogeneity in consumers’ preferences within an...
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The aim of this paper is to study the role of progressive tax rules on the allocations of steady state and the stability properties in a Ramsey economy with heterogeneous households and borrowing constraints. Since labor supply in elastic, considering different tax rates on capital and labor...
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In his seminal contribution, Tirole (1985) shows that an overlapping generations economy may monotonically converges to a steady state with a positive rational bubble, characterized by the dynamically efficient golden rule. The issue we address is whether this monotonic convergence to an...
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We introduce public debt in a Ramsey model with heterogenous agents and a public spending externality a ecting utility which is nanced by income tax and public debt. We show that public debt considered as a xed portion of GDP can have a stabilizing or destabilizing e ect depending on some...
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Un grand nombre de travaux ont cherché à exhiber les conditions sous lesquelles des fluctuations dues à la volatilité des anticipations des agents et des cycles endogènes apparaissent, mais peu d'entre eux sesont intéressés au rôle de l'hétérogénéité des consommateurs. Dans cet...
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We analyze the stabilizing role of imperfect competition on fluctuations due to indeterminacy and endogenous cycles. In this paper, imperfect competition is a source of monopoly profits, because of producer market power. Considering anoverlapping generations model with capital accumulation and...
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In macroeconomics, economists introduce most frequently imperfect competition on product markets using the Dixit and Stiglitz (1977) monopolistic competition model. However, by assumption, this framework ignores one important feature of imperfect competition: strategic interactions between...
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We study the influence of wage differential on the emergence of endogenous fluctuations. In this way, we introduce a dual labor market, based on the Shapiro-Stiglitz efficiency wage theory in an overlapping generations model. We show that wage inequality is a source of endogenous fluctuations....
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While most of the literature concerned with indeterminacy and endogenous cycles is based on the restrictive assumption of a representative consumer,some recent contributions have investigated the role of heterogeneous agents in dynamics. This paper adds to this latter strand of the literature by...
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