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Experimental conjoint choice analysis is among the most frequently used methods for measuring and analyzing consumer preferences. The data from such experiments have been typically analyzed with the Multinomial Logit (MNL) model. However, there are several problems associated with the standard...
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Response latencies provide information about consumers' choice behavior in a conjoint choice experiment. The authors use filtered response latencies to scale the covariance matrix of a multinomial probit model and show that this leads to better model fit and holdout predictions, even if the...
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Conjoint choice designs are frequently applied in practice, and often a base alternative is added to the design. When such a 'no-choice' base alternative is present in conjoint choice experiments a constant term should be added to the design ('X'-) matrix with attribute dummies when effects type...
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The Dutch government has decided to gradually introduce a complex national road pricing system in the years 2012 to 2018. Existing car purchase taxes and the annual road taxes are to be replaced by a kilometre-based charging system. Several appraisal studies have been conducted to examine the...
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