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Why are British bank branches run so differently—and often much less efficiently—than their international counterparts? Why is it that it has been nearly ten years since the last major innovation in that area? Banking expert David Cavell takes a hard look at the present situation, and argues...
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[...]This paper presents an overview of the new capitalrequirements. In the first section, we describe the structureof the requirements and the considerations that went intotheir design. In addition, we address some of the concernsthat have been raised about the methods of calculating...
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The decline in unskilled workers’ real wagesduring the 1980s in the United States andthe increase in their unemployment inEurope (due to the comparative inflexibilityof European labor markets vis-à-vis those in the UnitedStates)1 have prompted a search for possible explanations.This search...
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[...]We conclude that technological change, combinedwith overall growth in the capital stock, is the most importantfactor driving the growing wage inequality betweenlow-skilled and high-skilled workers. Increased competitionfrom abroad, both from developing and industrializedcountries, appears...
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This paper tests whether the so-called ‘reach of the market’ helps to explain ‘why Europe’ and ‘why north-western Europe’. By looking at grain markets from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth century, this study concludes that the process of commodity market integration...
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This paper identifies the absence of both sub-continentally oriented histories which knit together the land and sea trades, and convincing explanations of the persistence of the Indo-Central Asian trade (for example) despite the growing Indo-European trade from the seventeenth-century. The...
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In Anlehnung an das originäre US-amerikanische Vorbild ist seit Ende der 1990er Jahreinternational ein deutlicher Zuwachs an Real Estate Investment Trust- (REIT-) Regimenzu verzeichnen. 1 So ist es ab 2003 auch zu einer deutlichen Zunahme von REITRegimeninnerhalb der Europäischen Union (EU)...
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Herstellung, Handel undDienstleistung der Photovoltaikbranche befragt. Dabei wurde u.a. untersucht, in welchenMärkten die …
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Statistical analysis of Greek sovereign debt denominated in gold and traded on the London Stock Exchange from the outbreak of the First World War until the advent of the Great Depression is employed to explore the way that historical events including political and institutional changes shaped...
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Much of the literature on economic change in the post-1945 world is permeated by two ideas: the temporal convergence of per capita incomes across economies and the spatial advance of free trade. For many economists and historians the two are linked: the reduction of trade barriers in the...
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