Showing 231 - 239 of 239
This chapter provides an overview of empirical results concerning recent exchange rate behavior. Alternative valuation measures, time series, and distributional properties have been covered in the chapter, along with estimates of transaction costs in the foreign exchange market. The chapter...
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This paper studies predictability of currency returns over time and the extent to which it is captured by trading rules commonly used in currency markets. We consider the strategies that an investor endowed with rational expectations could have pursued to exploit out-of-sample currency...
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The Interest Rate Parity (IRP) relationship is one of the most relied upon indicators of financial globalization. IRP plays such a key role in global macroeconomic models that it is taken as a benchmark for perfect capital mobility between markets. In this paper, we review the theoretical basis...
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The Interest Rate Parity (IRP) relationship is one of the most relied upon indicators of financial globalization. IRP plays such a key role in global macroeconomic models that it is taken as a benchmark for perfect capital mobility between markets. In this paper, we review the theoretical basis...
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Global foreign exchange (FX) trading volume in traditional FX products and derivatives in Asia and the Pacific has expanded rapidly over the last 15 years, more so than in other regions. Asian currencies also have experienced exceptional growth in offshore turnover, including that of...
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Theoretical and empirical research completed over the last decade has dramatically increased our understanding of exchange rate behavior. The major insight to come from this decade of research is that foreign exchange is a financial asset. In an asset pricing framework, current exchange rates...
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In this paper, we study a large sample of 507 privatization offerings from 39 countries over the period 1979-1996. Our objectives are twofold. First, we document the extent of short-run underpricing of these privatization offerings and measure their variation across countries, industries, and...
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In this paper, we study a large sample of 507 privatization offerings from 39 countries over the period 1979-1996. Our objectives are twofold. First, we document the extent of short-run underpricing of these privatization offerings and measure their variation across countries, industries, and...
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Very often, we associate the dawn of modern financial theory with Harry Markowitz who in the 1950s introduced the formal mathematics of probability theory to the problem of managing risk in an asset portfolio. The 1970s saw the advent of formal models for pricing options and other derivative...
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