Showing 55,441 - 55,450 of 61,131
It has long been noted that women in STEM fields have poor quality networks compared to men. In this article, we question whether the network deficits women face are insurmountable. Using data on more than 3,500 scientists over a twenty year period, we study the influence of scientific...
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I investigate the network structure of venture capitalists based on co-investments, and the effects of network structure on investment performance. As venture capitalists select their partners, network structure is endogenously determined in equilibrium. Using comprehensive data on venture...
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What role do regional headquarters (RHQ) play in the process of spreading knowledge in the internal and external network of transnational companies (TNC)?In our paper we approach this topic based on an understanding of TNC as ‘small world' networks – a concept from the field of social...
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This paper studies the effect of coworker-based networks on individual labour market outcomes. I analyse how the provision of labour market relevant information by former coworkers affects the employment probabilities and, if hired, the wages of male workers who have previously become unemployed...
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The electronics manufacturing sector has played a prominent role in export-oriented development strategies, as participation in this high-tech industry promises access to new technology, high skilled jobs and a fast-growing market. Against this background, many governments in Central and Eastern...
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India did not participate in the landline phone revolution but has seen an unprecedented growth in mobile phones, with over 919 million subscribers by the end of March 2012, making it second only people face several developmental constraints, such as low literacy, poor healthcare facilities, low...
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Departing from prior research analyzing the implications of social structure for actors' outcomes by applying either the ego-network or the global-network perspective, this study examines the implications of network communities for the invention productivity of firms. Network communities...
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This study uses the linkages between related party purchases and sales transactions as a proxy for network linkages and employs a panel data regression model to determine the relationship between financial leverage and network linkages for the family governance of Taiwan's listed business...
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I examine how past interactions among investment banks, financial advisors, and bond attorneys - known here as "debt management networks" - drive pricing and risk-taking on new issue municipal securities. This analysis is motivated by the question of whether centralization improves or distorts...
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Along with the rise of the now popular ‘open' paradigm in innovation management, networks have become a common approach to practicing innovation. Foresight could potentially greatly benefit from resources that become available when the knowledge base increases through networks. This article...
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