Showing 11 - 20 of 771,945
This paper develops a wavelet (spectral) approach to test the presence of a unit root in a stochastic process. The wavelet approach is appealing, since it is based directly on the different behavior of the spectra of a unit root process and that of a short memory stationary process. By...
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Stationarity testing for time series which include a smooth trend with unknown parameters is considered in this paper. A pseudo-Lagrange Multiplier stationarity test is proposed and its asymptotic null distribution is obtained. The distribution depends on the unknown parameters of the model....
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Recent approaches in unit root testing that take into account the influences of the initial condition, trend, and breaks in the data using pre-testing and performing the union of rejection testing strategies based on the information obtained. This allows for the use of more powerful tests, if...
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The present paper studies the panel data auto regressive (PAR) time series model for testing the unit root hypothesis. The posterior odds ratio (POR) is derived under appropriate prior assumptions and then empirical analysis is carried out for testing the unit root hypothesis of Net Asset Value...
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In this paper we derive tests for parameter constancy when the data generating process is non-stationary against the hypothesis that the parameters of the model change smoothly over time. To obtain the asymptotic distributions of the tests we generalize many theoretical results, as well as new...
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Unit root tests for time series with level shifts are considered. The level shift is assumed to occur at a known time point. In contrast to some other proposals the level shift is modeled as part of the intercept term of the stationary component of the data generation process which is separated...
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Tests for unit roots in univariate time series with level shifts are proposed and investigated. The level shift is assumed to occur at a known time. It may be a simple one-time shift which can be captured by a dummy variable or it may have a more general form which can be modeled by some general...
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Unit root tests for time series with level shifts of general form are considered when the timing of the shift is unknown. It is proposed to estimate the nuisance parameters of the data generation process including the shift date in a first step and apply standard unit root tests to the...
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We propose in this article the use of a particular version of the tests of Robinson (1994) for testing seasonally fractionally integrated processes. The tests have standard null and local limit distributions and allow us to test unit and fractional seasonal roots even with different amplitudes...
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In ESTAR models it is usually difficult to determine parameter estimates, as it can be observed in the literature. We show that the phenomena of getting strongly biased estimators is a consequence of the so-called identification problem, the problem of properly distinguishing the transition...
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