Showing 82,371 - 82,380 of 86,668
Die Werbeeinstellung gilt als besonders verhaltensprägend und zugleich beeinflussbar durch die werbliche Kommunikation. Damit wird ihr eine zentrale Rolle als Vermittler von Werbewirkung zugesprochen. Allerdings wurde diese Vermittlerrolle bisher nur bei neuen Produkten mit unbekannten...
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In this paper we analyze the impact of service station availability on the demand for alternative-fuel vehicles and the consumers' willingness to pay for an enlarged fueling infrastructure. We examine a stated preferences choice experiment conducted as a CAPI survey with about 600 interviews of...
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This paper presents a meta-analysis of 46 primary studies reporting a total of 108 genetically modified food valuation estimates. The analysis shows that elicitation methods and formats used in the primary studies affect valuation estimates much more than do sample characteristics. Moreover,...
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We characterize a monopolist's optimal offer of service plans when only informed customers know already at the contracting stage whether their demand is high or low, while uninformed customers may learn their demand only after incurring some costs, if at all. While informed customers purchase...
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. Neue Technologien, Anwendungen und ein geändertes Konsumentenverhalten werden die Effekte noch verstärken und stellen alle …
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The EU appliance energy consumption labeling scheme is a key component of efforts to increase the diffusion of energy-efficient household appliances. In this paper, the determinants of consumer knowledge of the energy label for house-hold appliances and the choice of class-A energy-efficient...
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This paper is a first attempt to analyze whether convergence of food consumption between Eastern and Western Europe since the beginning of transition can be detected. The study refers to the 10 EU-associated Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) and the EU-15. If convergence is a fact,...
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Environmental considerations are becoming increasingly important in the decision making process of consumers and producers. A credible environmental label can only be established if it is issued by a neutral or state organisation on the basis of scientifically derived criteria. This holds true...
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Die naturwissenschaftlich messbaren Aspekte der Qualität von Frischfleisch, wie der Hygienestatus, die Prozessqualität oder Nährwertgehalte, spielen in der konkreten Einkaufssituation der Kunden am Point of Sale kaum eine Rolle, weil sie nicht sichtbar bzw. nachvollziehbar sind. Vielmehr...
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Germans are still very fond of using cash. Of all direct payment transactions, cash accounts for an astounding 82% in terms of number, and for 58% in terms of value. With a new and unique dataset that combines transaction information with survey data on payment behaviour of German consumers, we...
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