Showing 111 - 120 of 125
The components of GDP (residential investment, durables, nondurables, equipment and software, and business structures) display a pronounced lead-lag structure. We investigate the implications of this lead-lag structure for the cross-section of asset returns. We find that the leading GDP...
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This paper examines persistence in price movements and predictability of the US housing market both on a local level across 20 cities in the US and on a nationwide level. We use a time series approach instead of often applied multivariate approaches to exclude potential biases across markets and...
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This document contains supporting material for the following article: Tim Kroencke, Felix Schindler and Andreas Schrimpf (2012), "International Diversification Benefits with Foreign Exchange Investment Styles".This paper studies portfolio choice with popular foreign exchange (FX) investment...
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This paper studies portfolio choice with popular foreign exchange (FX) investment styles such as carry trades, FX momentum and FX value strategies. We go beyond the benefits from hedging to shed more light on the speculative component of currency investments. In particular, we are interested in...
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This paper analyzes whether predominantly non-listed corporations in the residential property industry systematically adjust their capital structure to changing financing requirements. Since previous research almost exclusively focused on listed companies, little is known about the...
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Market-wide, stock market specific and real estate market specific risk - what kind of risk and to which extent drives the returns of listed real estate? Based on a structural asset pricing model calibrated to the empirical data in the U.S., we show that at least two thirds of the risk premium...
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This paper examines the risk premium of value stocks within a global investment strategy framework. We test whether absolute or relative mis-pricing is better suited to capturing the global value premium by using fair value-based net asset values (NAVs) as our proxies for fundamental value. We...
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Market-wide, stock market specific, and real estate market specific risk – what kind of risk and to which extent drives the returns of listed real estate? Based on a structural asset pricing model calibrated to the empirical data in the U.S., we show that at least two thirds of the risk...
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This paper analyzes long-run co-movements between international real estate stock markets and between regions based on bivariate and multivariate tests for cointegration. While the topic has been analyzed in previous studies such as Gallo and Zhang (2009) and Yunus (2009) among others, this...
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Research in real estate finance and economics has been dealing with the topic of efficiency in the U.S. housing market for over 25 years. However, most recent research either examines local markets based on single homes or focuses on the Conventional Mortgage Home Price Indices (CMPHI) and...
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