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This paper investigates the main characteristics of regional clusters in EU 27 and Croatia. The special interest is … characterises regional clusters in EU 27 and Croatia, and what are the main tendencies in cluster development? The cluster survey in … research shows that clusters in EU 27 and Croatia differ in many dimensions: the point they arise, the type of products and …
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Seit Beginn der Transformation haben in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas die interregionalen Disparitäten zugenommen. Insbesondere die Stadt-Land-Gegensätze haben sich verstärkt. Dieser Beitrag zeigt die Entwicklung der Disparitäten auf und diskutiert auf der Basis theoretischer...
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The general objective of this study is to evaluate regional disparities and the territorial convergence under the impact of the cohesion policy, in the context of the European Union integration. The specific objectives on which the research included in this work focused are the following:...
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This book analyzes regional and local models of development, in the context of existing socio-economic disparities and the impact of EU enlargement and European policy, offering a comparative and in-depth analysis of the distinct nature of regional differences within Central and Eastern Europe.
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