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Keynes (1921) and Ellsberg (1961) have articulated an aversion toward betting on an urn containing balls of two colors of unknown proportion to one with a 50-50 composition. Keynes views this as reflecting different preferences for bets arising from different sources of uncertainty. Ellsberg...
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experiments. In the first experiment, we elicit the value and probability weighting functions both under known and unknown … probability transformations rather than utility transformations. In the second experiment, we examine the effects of an increase …
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We address a basic diffculty with incorporating fairness into standard utilitarian choice theories. Standard utilitarian theories evaluate lotteries according to the (weighted) utility over ?nal outcomes and assume in particular that a lottery is never preferred over getting the most preferred...
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This paper presents an experimental study analyzing common consequence effects with binary choice, willingness-to-pay (WTP), and willingness-to-accept (WTA). Consistent with previous research we do not find clearcut evidence of fanning out in the absence of certainty effects. Violation rates of...
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: Random Utility, Bounded Rationality, and Deliberate Randomization. We conduct an experiment in which subjects face the same …
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This paper describes an experiment designed to study the effect of aspiration levels on individual choices under risk …
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We investigate whether violations of canonical axioms of choice under risk are mistakes or a manifestation of true preferences. First, we elicit axiom and gamble preferences and then allow subjects to revise their potentially conflicting preferences. Among the behavioral patterns that allow for...
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We investigate whether violations of canonical axioms of choice under risk are mistakes or a manifestation of true preferences. First, we elicit axiom and gamble preferences and then allow subjects to revise their potentially conflicting preferences. Among the behavioral patterns that allow for...
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A continuing goal of experiments is to understand risky decisions when the decisions are important. Often a decision's importance relates to the magnitude of the associated monetary stake. Khaneman and Tversky (1979) argue that risky decisions in high stakes environments can be informed using...
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Using a revealed preference approach, we conduct an experiment where subjects make choices from linear convex budgets …
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