Showing 760,821 - 760,830 of 865,909
We use monthly data on individual loans from the Italian Credit Register over the period from 1997 to 2019 and show that bank credit expansions in the non-financial private sector are mostly explained by variations in the extensive margin calculated either in credit flows or headcount of new...
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This study investigates the efficiency of the process of benefit determination for welfare recipients in Germany. A stochastic frontier analysis is used to compute (in)efficiency of Jobcenter (employment offices) in terms of average processing time used for determining benefit levels per case....
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The paper discusses two issues related to “growth”. Both have arguably not been dealt with adequately in the literature. The first concerns growth and accruals. Research practice combines two components of accruals, asset accruals and liability accruals. This simplification causes problems...
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Traditionally, economists and tax theorists justify taxation by means of externalities. In recent years, both scholars and policymakers have begun advocating ‘sin taxes' on goods whose consumption causes ‘internalities': unaccounted-for costs that a person imposes on herself, not on others....
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We consider a model of monopolistic competition with several heterogeneous sectors and endogenous labor supply. For low (high) values of the labor supply elasticity, we show that there is always a unique equilibrium. For medium values of the labor supply elasticity, the set of equilibria (if...
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We analyze the impact of wage taxation on the workplace choices of and the commuting costs borne by individuals in an aggregate economy consisting of an urban and an adjacent rural region. This economy is inhabited by a continuum of individuals who are uniformly distributed with a total mass of...
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This paper investigates the dynamics of group decisions regarding risky tax avoidance strategies using a laboratory experiment. To identify the causes of risk taking by groups, we compare individual to group decisions in three scenarios. The first scenario allocates payoffs from group decisions...
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Introduction -- 1. Two major approaches toward institutional change -- 2. Toward a general theory of institutional … change -- 3. A general theory of institutional change -- 4. Assessing the general theory -- 5. Power/institutions and society …
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