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Among the policy responses to the global financial crisis, the international provision of US dollars via central bank swap lines stands out. This paper studies the build-up of stresses on banks' balance sheets that led to this coordinated policy response. Using the BIS international banking...
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The purpose of this essay is to assess the automatic exchange of information as described in EU Directive2003/48 of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments with regard to thefundamental right of the individual to a private life, to banking secrecy and the...
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This paper analyzes the effects of bank lending on German commercial property prices. The theory on therole of …financial intermediaries in business cycle activity states that lending activity is characterized byasymmetric information between borrowers and lenders. Unlike other...
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Many developing and emerging markets have high degrees of state bank ownership. In addition, therecent global financial crisis has led to significant state ownership of banking assets in developedcountries such as the United Kingdom. These observations beg the question of whether...
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This paper analyzes the evolution in bank performance following the removal of legalrestrictions on the entry of foreign banks in three transition economies: the Czech Republic,Hungary, and Poland. Two modes of foreign bank entry are considered: entry by Greenfieldinvestments, and by foreign...
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Financial inclusion is the broad based delivery of banking and other financial services ataffordable cost to the poorest sections of society. In India, financial inclusion emphasizes toinclude maximum number of people under formal financial systems. The most important partof financial services...
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This paper investigates the impact of specific modes of entry of foreign banks, i.e.greenfield investment versus merger and acquisition, on bank performance in threetransition economies – the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. We use stochasticfrontier analysis to model and measure the cost...
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The German banking industry has seconded the proposal for a SingleEuropean banking market and the establishment of a 'fair level playing field'.In banking Services, this implies the harmonization of rules on capitaladequacy. The Cooke committee at the Bank for International Settlementsand the...
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Seit seinen Anfängen in den späten 70er Jahren hat sich das moderne Islamic Banking von einer Nische zu einembreiten Markt entwickelt. Mit einem geschätzten Marktvolumen von zuletzt bis zu 700 Mrd. US-Dollar1 an „shari’akonformen assets“ unter Management wuchs das Islamic Banking in den...
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Alfred Paul Ernst Freiherr von Oppenheim war von Beginn seines Wirkens im BankhausOppenheim an verantwortlich für Innovationen und nachhaltige Umstrukturierungen.Geborenwurde Alfred Paul Ernst Freiherr von Oppenheim am 5. Mai 1934 in Köln. Das Bankhaus Sal.Oppenheim jr. & Cie. wurde als...
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