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Im Europäischen Jahr der Kreativität und Innovation legt Arbeit 2.0 zum ersten Mal eine umfassende Darstellung der Arbeitsproblematik in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft im Digitalzeitalter vor. Den Kern der Untersuchung bilden die Portraits von fünf Schlüsselbranchen: die drei Branchen mit...
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This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the effect of social networks and belonging to minority groups (or race) on the probability of winning in reality television shows. We develop a theoretical model that studies viewer behavior by presenting a framework of competition...
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In this paper we examine how the addition of imperfect recall as a perturbation to aperfect recall game can be used as an equilibrium refinement. We discuss the propertiesof two such concepts, from the addition of complete confusion between similarhistories to considering small ‘trembles’ in...
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Market participants' risk attitudes, wealth and portfolio composition influence their positions in apegged foreign currency and, therefore, may have important effects on the sustainability of currencypegs. We analyze such effects in a global game model of currency crises with continuous...
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A well—known result from the theory of finitely repeated games statesthat if the stage game has a unique equilibrium, then there is a uniquesubgame perfect equilibrium in the finitely repeated game in which theequilibrium of the stage game is being played in every period. Here Ishow that this...
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We show that for many classes of symmetric two-player games, the simple decision rule \imitate-the-best" can hardly be beaten by any other decision rule. Weprovide necessary and sufficient conditions for imitation to be unbeatable and showthat it can only be beaten by much in games that are of...
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