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The folk theorems for infinitely repeated games with discounting presume that the discount rate between two successive periods is constant. Following the literature on quasi-exponential or hyperbolic discounting, I model the repeated interaction between two or more decision makers in a way that...
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Social hierarchy is persistent in all almost all societies. Social norms and their enforcement are part of sustaining hierarchical systems. This paper combines social status and norm enforcement, by introducing status in a dictator game with third party punishment. Status is conveyed by surname;...
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Personligheten är ett begrepp med rötter långt tillbaka i tiden och anses av många vara av stor betydelse, inte minst i arbetslivet. Personlighetstest har funnits och tillämpats i stor skala i snart 100 år. Den svenska marknaden för personlighetstestning omsätter 100-tals miljoner kronor...
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For a full text file please contact the corresponding author: Kenth Skogsvik (E-mail:
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In 1991 the Swedish school system was transferred from the State (the national level) to the municipalities. The reform increased the size of the municipal sector by one fifth, making the reform one of the largest in recent history. Despite broad support for the reform in Parliament, the process...
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Operating leases are quite important in some industries. There are two possible errors that should be avoided when valuing a company with operating leases. In the first place, one should not neglect the implied lease debt. Such neglect distorts the calculation of free cash flow, required rate of...
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We rigorously test for ethnic discrimination in high school grading in Sweden. A random sample of the national tests in the Swedish language is graded both non-blind by the student’s own teacher and blind without any identifying information. The increase in the test score due to non-blind...
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This paper presents an infinite-horizon version of intergenerational utilitarianism. By studying discounted utilitarianism as the discount factor tends to one, we obtain a welfare criterion --- limit-discounted utilitarianism (LDU) --- that is analytically tractable, respects the Pareto order,...
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Purpose <p> The purpose of the paper is to identify changes in different types of knowledge in a service outsourcing relationship as knowledge is transferred from the client to the provider, which correspond to the research question that guides the paper: ‘What are the effects on knowledge types...</p>
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Bakgrund: <p> Ny teknik kan ge nya möjligheter. Exempel på det är mobila betalningar, mobila plånböcker, lägesbaserade tjänster samt ”Tingens Internet”. Avståndet från vision till vardag är dock ofta långt. Studier av e-handelns utveckling har visat att det tog mer än ett decennium...</p>
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