Showing 11 - 20 of 838
La forte demande d’énergie et de minerais par la Chine et l’Inde a poussé à la hausse les prix internationaux des matières premières, ainsi que le volume et la valeur des exportations africaines.
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La tendance de long terme au recul de l’instabilité politique s’est confirmée en 2006 avec la diminution des conflits armés, qui restent pourtant fréquents. Plusieurs pays africains ont organisé des élections pluralistes et les progrès vers la démocratie participative sont...
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Les infrastructures de transport ont été dangereusement négligées ces dernières années en Afrique. Le manque d’infrastructures de transport est un frein à l’intégration économique et à la réduction de la pauvreté.
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Grâce au progrès technologique et aux nouvelles pratiques d’organisation, les producteurs des pays en développement participent de plus en plus aux échanges internationaux d’une large gamme de biens et de services. Pourtant, les entreprises des pays industriels décident souvent de...
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The long-term decline in political instability continued in 2006 and armed conflicts, though still widespread, have diminished. Multiparty elections have taken place in several African countries and progress towards participative democracy is encouraging. Progress in economic governance is still...
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China’s and India’s strong appetite for energy and metal has boosted international prices and the volume and value of African exports. China in particular has become the main trade partner for a number of African countries providing cheap manufactured goods and reducing Africa's dependence...
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Technological change and organisational advancements have made possible the greater participation of developing country producers in international trade, in a wide range of goods and services. However, firms based in industrial countries often determine the scope for insertion and upgrading of...
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Transport infrastructure has been dangerously neglected in recent times. Lack of transport infrastructure impedes economic integration and poverty reduction. Involving the private sector in financing the transport infrastructure is proving harder than anticipated.
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Global financial conditions have improved substantially since July 2012, a reflection of the cumulative steps taken by high-income countries' central banks. Gross capital flows to developing countries, which weakened in mid-2012 due to Euro area turmoil, bounced back in the second half of the...
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Global financial markets were largely stable during the past year, not with-standing the recent uptick in volatility amid uncertainty over the timing of an eventual tapering off of quantitative easing. Improved financial conditions are reflected in a strong rebound in gross capital flows...
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