Showing 51 - 60 of 58,431
shows that taxpayers are the main losers as subsidies are still needed. There are also serious efficiency-equity trade …
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addressed the productivity and efficiency of the core area of the armed forces, operational units, using Data Envelopment … Analysis (DEA). Introducing a model for the production process of an operational unit, productivity and efficiency are …
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Applications of the DEA models show that inadequate results may arise in some cases, two of these inadequacies being: a) too many efficient units may appear in some DEA models; b) a DEA model may show an inefficient unit from the point of view of experts as an efficient one. The purpose of this...
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Applications of the DEA models show that inadequate results may arise in some cases, two of these inadequacies being: a) too many efficient units may appear in some DEA models; b) a DEA model may show an inefficient unit from the point of view of experts as an efficient one. The purpose of this...
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The units found strongly efficient in DEA studies on efficiency can be divided into self-evaluators and active peers …, and be removed from the observations on efficiency scores when performing a two-stage analysis of explaining the …
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Applications of the DEA models show that inadequate results may arise in some cases, two of these inadequacies being: a) too many efficient units may appear in some DEA models; b) a DEA model may show an inefficient unit from the point of view of experts as an efficient one. The purpose of this...
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normal. Given these distributions, how should one assess and rank firm-level efficiency? This study compares the techniques …. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that the efficiency probabilities are more reliable in terms of mean absolute percent error …
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Applications of the DEA models show that inadequate results may arise in some cases, two of these inadequacies being: a) too many efficient units may appear in some DEA models; b) a DEA model may show an inefficient unit from the point of view of experts as an efficient one. The purpose of this...
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Results from frontier analysis show that German investment management companies are far from being cost e fficient. The average investment management company may be able to reduce its costs by 48% to 75% when compared with the best-practice company in the sample. The level of e fficiency even...
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:335-354, 2005) to calculate the conditional probability that a firm is any particular efficiency rank in the sample. From this, we … construct the conditional expected efficiency rank for each firm. Compared to the traditional ranked efficiency point estimates …
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