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It is sometimes argued that news reports in the media suffer from biased reporting. Mullainathan and Shleifer (2002) argue that there are two types of media bias. One bias, called ideology, reflects a news outlet's desire to affect reader opinions in a particular direction. The second bias,...
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Romanian Abstract: În 2010, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului s-a caracterizat printr-o evoluţie pozitivă, atât din punct de vedere al disponibilităţilor de metal, cât şi al revigorării preţurilor. Conform analiştilor de la Biroul Australian al Agriculturii şi Resurselor (The...
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Romanian Abstract: Climatul economic global din 2010, ce s-a caracterizat printr-o revigorare uşoară după criza începută la sfârşitul anului 2008, a determinat o redresare a cererii mondiale de cositor, însă oferta foarte redusă a bulversat piaţa, iar preţurile acestui metal au...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul analizează influenţele ce au determinat trendul prețurilor cositorului la Bursa de Metale de la Londra și Bursa Cositorului de la Kuala Lumpur, identificând situaţiile caracteristice pieţei internaţionale din anul 2011. De semenea, articolul examinează...
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Romanian Abstract: În 2011, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului a fost influenţată de climatul economic mondial, caracterizat prin turbulenţe bursiere, în condiţiile crizei financiare din unele state membre ale Uniunii Europene, ale cutremurului devastator ce a lovit Japonia în luna...
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Strong Chinese output growth after the Global Financial Crisis was supported by booming credit. This credit boom carries risks. International experience suggests that China's credit growth is on a dangerous trajectory, with increasing risks of a disruptive adjustment and/or a marked growth...
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Even if Keynes makes an error with its investment multiplier, he has à good intuition investment is the key lever. The main mistake in order to manage economy is due to Friedman who stars with the right result to obtain : maximize Wealth, but he confuses wealth created with a permanent income...
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It is sometimes argued that news reports in the media suffer from biased reporting. Mullainathan and Shleifer (2002) argue that there are two types of media bias. One bias, called ideology, reflects a news outlet's desire to affect reader opinions in a particular direction. The second bias,...
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The formation of the European Union (EU) is the one of the biggest political – economic events of the last 50 years. The aim of this study is to develop EU economy functioning system dynamic model. Main research method is system dynamics. General scheme of EU economy system dynamic model is...
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We study the stability properties of a Diamond (1965) overlapping generations model in which agents have to pay transaction costs related to the capital accumulated. In particular, these costs depend positively on the amount of individual's savings. At first, we show that under stan- dard...
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