Showing 91 - 100 of 485
This paper presents a recursive method for the computation of sequential competitive equilibria in dynamic models with heterogeneous agents and market frictions. This computational method builds on a convergent operator defined over an expanded set of state variables for which a Markovian...
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This paper develops a continuous time real options model to study the interaction between industry structure and takeover activity. In an asymmetric industry equilibrium, firms have an endogenous incentive to merge when restructuring decisions are motivated by operating and strategic benefits....
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Without capital market imperfections, the capital structure of a firm, including the size, the maturity and the currency composition of debts, should not matter for investment decisions. The Asian financial crises provide a good opportunity to test this hypothesis. We approach the problem in two...
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A government or public organization would like to subsidize an indivisible good. Consumers’ valuations of the good vary according to their wealth and benefits from the good. Education, medical care, and housing are common examples. A regulator has access to either wealth or benefit...
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Previous work studying the age distribution of citations for patents relies on functional form assumptions to address the co-linearity between the birth year, citation year, and age. This paper proposes a non-parametric identification strategy that uses the lag between application and grant as a...
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In a recent article, Barro (2006) revives the Rietz explanation of the equity premium. Rietz (1988) showed that infrequent, large drops in consumption make the theoretical equity premium large. Barro shows empirically that in the XXth century, disasters are frequent and large enough, and stock...
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A product often has many attributes. The seller of the product may choose whether to disclose these attributes to consumers before their purchase. How do multiple attributes of the product jointly determine the seller’s disclosure incentives? I analyze this question by modeling a monopolist...
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A government or public organization would like to subsidize an indivisible good. Consumers’ valuations of the good vary according to their wealth and benefits from the good. Education, medical care, and housing are common examples. A regulator has access to either wealth or benefit...
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We consider the power properties of the CUSUM and CUSUM of squares tests in the presence of a one-time change in the parameters of a linear regression model. A result due to Ploberger and Krämer (1990) is that the CUSUM of squares test has only trivial asymptotic local power in this case, while...
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