Showing 41 - 50 of 485
This paper applies the methods of Detemple, Garcia, and Rindisbacher (2003, 2005) and derives explicit optimal lifetime consumption-portfolio plans in an economy whose fixed-income sector is characterized by an N-factor Heath-Jarrow-Morton (1992) model that is Markovian in 3N state variables
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How much should a family save for retirement and for the kids' college education? How much insurance should they buy? How should they allocate their portfolio across different assets? What should a company choose as the default asset allocation for a mandatory retirement saving plan? We believe...
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This paper studies two frequently observed portfolio behaviors that are seemingly inconsistent with rational portfolio choice. The first is the tendency of workers and entrepreneurs to hold their company's stock. The second is the propensity of workers to limit their equity holdings through...
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We study orders of risk and model uncertainty aversion in the smooth ambiguity model proposed by Klibano, Marinacci, and Mukerji [4]. We consider a quadratic approximation of their model and we show that both risk and model uncertainty attitudes have at most a second order effect. Specifically,...
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This paper studies two frequently observed portfolio behaviors that are seemingly inconsistent with rational portfolio choice. The first is the tendency of workers and entrepreneurs to hold their company's stock. The second is the propensity of workers to limit their equity holdings through...
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We derive the analogue of the classic Arrow-Pratt approximation of the certainty equivalent under model uncertainty as defined by the smooth model of decision making under ambiguity of Klibanoff, Marinacci and Mukerji (2005). We study its scope via a portfolio allocation exercise that delivers a...
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We study orders of risk and model uncertainty aversion in the smooth ambiguity model proposed by Klibanoff, Marinacci, and Mukerji (2005). We consider a quadratic approximation of their model and we show that both risk and model uncertainty attitudes have at most a second order effect....
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This paper studies two frequently observed portfolio behaviors that are seemingly inconsistent with rational portfolio choice. The first is the tendency of workers and entrepreneurs to hold their company's stock. The second is the propensity of workers to limit their equity holdings through...
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We build a market equilibrium theory of asset prices under Knightian uncertainty. Adopting the mean-variance decisionmaking model of Maccheroni, Marinacci, and Ruffino (2013a), we derive explicit demands for assets and formulate a robust version of the two-fund separation theorem. Upon market...
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