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Recent literatures on entrepreneurship and economic growth estimate the empirical relationships between the following pairs of variables: (1) institutions and entrepreneurial activity; (2) institutions and economic growth; and (3) entrepreneurship and economic growth.This paper revisits each of...
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The study considers the relationship between trade liberalization and economic growth among three sub-Saharan African countries: Ghana, Nigeria, and Cote d'Ivoire. We find no statistically significant increase in the economic growth of the countries following trade liberalization. However,...
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countries. Economists have used the disequilibrium adjustment property of growth models to justify the view that convergence … parameters of a growth model that has the conditional convergence property and then computing the speed of convergence implied by … a stochastic neoclassical growth model and compute the speed of conditional convergence in the non-stochastic model from …
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We consider a model of policy choice in which appropriate policies depend on a country’s own circumstances, but the presence of a successful leader generates an informational externality and results in too little ‘policy experimentation’. Corrupt governments are reined in while honest...
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study on nonparametric growth regressions. The results show that in the estimation of unconditional β-convergence, the … two modes in the positive region (primarily non-OECD economies) of the parameter estimates. The results for conditional β-convergence …
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We examine the behavior of output disparities of Mexican regions relative to the richest region, the Capital, during the period 1940-2009, and the dynamics of the output gap series of the U.S.-Mexico border region. Our estimations suggest that whilst other Mexican regions have been catching up...
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We study the hypothesis of convergence amongst Mexican regions since 1940 with special interest in the post …-trade liberalization period. A standard time-series convergence test shows that per capita income levels between the capital and the rest … of the regions tend to narrow over time. Using the concept of deterministic and stochastic convergence, we describe the …
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The study considers the relationship between trade liberalization and economic growth among three sub-Saharan African countries: Ghana, Nigeria, and Cote d'Ivoire. We find no statistically significant increase in the economic growth of the countries following trade liberalization. However,...
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The year 2023 commemorates the 30th anniversary of the publication of the influential, yet controversial, study The East Asian Miracle report by the World Bank (1993). An important part of the report's analysis was concerned with the sources of growth in East Asia. This was based on the...
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