Showing 91 - 100 of 724
This paper develops a theory for probabilistic models for risky choices that can be viewed as an extension of the expected utility theory to account for bounded rationality. One probabilistic version of the Archimedean Axiom and two versions of the Independence Axiom are proposed. In addition,...
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Several studies reject the implications of the altruism model. In this study it is argued that parents who transfer resources to their children both are altruistic and influenced by an equal division fairness norm. Under such motives, the degree of income compensation should be stronger in...
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This paper will focus on a particular provision in the Norwegian tax reform of 1992, the imputation of capital income for self employed and small incorporated firms with active owners. A simple user cost model is derived, and this model is used to discuss the impact on investment incentives that...
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Modelling the Norwegian exchange rate against a basket of currencies, we find a robust long-term link between the real exchange rate and real interest differential that is consistent with purchasing power parity (PPP) and uncovered interest parity (UIP). However, PPP alone is rejected. These...
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This paper examines the importance of definitions for establishments and for observation frequency for the resulting job and worker flow rates. In particular, this is of importance when comparing results across countries, i.e., in comparative analyses of job and worker flows. Measuring job and...
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China is a dominant energy consumer in a global context and current energy forecasts emphasise that China’s future energy consumption also will rely heavily on coal. The coal use is the major source of the greenhouse gas CO2 and particles causing serious health damage. This paper looks into...
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This paper examines panel data modelling with latent variables in analyzing log-linear relations between inputs and output of firms. Our particular focus is on (i) the "increasing returns to scale puzzle" for labour input and (ii) the GMM estimation in the context of errors-in-variables and...
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This paper investigates whether economic returns to education in Norway differ across cohorts. Differences in returns to education may arise from selection effects - the large increase in educational attainment in postwar years may have changed selection into education. They may also result from...
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I use new micro data to study the effects of credit deregulation on the Norwegian household savings decline in the mid-1980s. This paper has three main findings. First, the decline in saving started in 1983, a couple of years earlier than previously thought on the basis of National Accounts...
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In traditional cost-benefit analyses of public projects, every citizen’s willingness to pay for a project is given an equal weight. This is sometimes taken to imply that cost-benefit analysis is a democratic method for making public decisions, as opposed to, for example, political processes...
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