Showing 71 - 80 of 690
The role of selling (or marketing) period uncertainty in understanding risk associated with property investment is examined in this paper. Using an approach developed by Lin and Vandell [2001, 2005] and Lin [2004], combined with a statistical model of UK commercial property transactions, we show...
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Using the macroeconomic data for 1830-2004 in vector error correction models, we find that the UK stock price was largely in line with the equilibrium level. However, the UK stock price shows large and slow-moving positive or negative deviations from the equilibrium, forming cycles of at least a...
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In this paper three econometric issues related to private-equity return indices, such as real estate indices, are explored (smoothing, nonsynchronous appraisal, and cross-sectional aggregation). Under certain assumptions, it is found that index returns based on appraisals follow an ARFIMA(0,d,1)...
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We investigate asset returns using the concept of beta herding, which measures cross-sectional variations in betas due to changes in investors' confidence about their market outlook. Overconfidence causes beta herding (compression of betas towards the market beta), while under-confidence leads...
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In this paper we investigate the commonly used autoregressive filter method of adjusting appraisal-based real estate returns to correct for the perceived biases induced in the appraisal process. Since the early work by Geltner (1989), many papers have been written on this topic but remarkably...
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We investigate the dynamics of the momentum premium in the US. The momentum premium is significantly positive only during certain periods, notably from the 1940s to the mid-1960s and from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s, and it has disappeared since the late 1990s. Our results further suggest...
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We investigate the dynamics of the value anomaly in order to identify the driving forces of the anomaly. We show that the large positive value-minus-growth portfolio returns are explained by an over-reaction (under-reaction) to the positive (negative) market movements in short, specific time...
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We propose the average F statistic for testing linear asset pricing models. The average pricing error, captured in the the statistic, is of more interest than the ex post maximum pricing error of the multivariate F statistic that is associated with extreme long and short positions and...
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We compare the long run reaction to anticipated and surprise information announcements using stock splits. Although there is underreaction in both cases, anticipated splits are treated differently to those that are unforeseen. After anticipated splits, cumulative abnormal returns peak at...
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We investigate more than a dozen of factors formed on firm characteristics and risk measures that have been claimed to be able to explain cross-sectional asset returns in the literature. In accordance to Fama and French (1993, 1996a), we use these factors in asset pricing, and show that the...
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