Showing 161 - 170 of 710
Reasonable descent is a novel, transparent approach to a well-established field: the deep methods and applications of the complete analysis of continuous optimization problems. Standard reasonable descents give a unified approach to all standard necessary conditions, including the Lagrange...
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Correspondence analysis (CA) is a popular method that can be used to analyze relationships between categorical variables. It is closely related to several popular multivariate analysis methods such as canonical correlation analysis and principal component analysis. Like principal component...
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In this paper we give a complete analysis of the joint replenishment problem (JRP) under constant demands and continuous time. We present a solution method for the JRP when a correction is made for empty replenishments, and we test the solution procedures with real data. We show that the...
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A duration model based on the time on Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits instead of a model based on the time till re-employment is more relevant from a cost-benefit perspective. The contribution of this paper is to extend the standard (mixed) Proportional Hazard model to account for an upper...
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In this paper we reconsider the analysis of the effect of education on income by Angrist and Krueger (1991). In order to account for possible endogeneity of the education spell, these authors use quarter of birth to form valid instruments. Angristand Krueger apply a classical method, two-stage...
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A popular functional form for modeling the consumption block of a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) is the Linear Expenditure System (LES) for which the Engel curves are straight lines. The LES does not allow for the existence of inferior commodities, elastic demand and for gross...
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This report is the fourth part of a PhD project called "The Econometrics of Maritime Safety – Recommendations to Enhance Safety at Sea" and is based on 183,000 port state control inspections and 11,700 casualties from various data sources. Its overall objective is to provide...
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In this paper we present two algorithms for a machine allocation problem occurring in manufacturing systems. For the two algorithms presented we prove worst-case performance ratios of 2 and 312, respectively. The machlne allocat~on problem we consider is a general convex resource allocation...
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This paper investigates the impact of arrival processes on the ship handling process. Two types of arrival processes are considered: controlled and uncontrolled. Simulation results show that uncontrolled arrivals of ships perform worst in terms of both ship delays and required storage capacity....
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To understand changes in individuals' opinions and attitudes it would be best to collect data through panels. Such panels, however, often cause irritation among respondents, resulting in low response rates and low response quality. We address whether this problem can be alleviated by designing a...
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