Showing 31 - 40 of 44
Seit dem Spätherbst 2004 lassen die Impulse aus dem Export nach, und die Sachgütererzeugung verliert an Dynamik. Die Konsumnachfrage der privaten Haushalte hat sich bislang nicht belebt. Im 2. Halbjahr 2005 könnte sich eine leichte Erholung der Konjunktur ergeben, die von einer Stabilisierung...
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As from mid-2009, economic activity in Austria stabilised, supported by exports and manufacturing output. Yet, the tentative rebound has not gained momentum, notably because the turnaround has so far not extended to private investment. Real GDP is therefore expected to grow by no more than 1.3...
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Backed by the fiscal stimulus measures adopted at home and abroad, economic activity in Austria will pick up from its low level in the second half of 2009. On annual average, GDP will nevertheless shrink by 3.4 percent compared to last year. In 2010, growth is set to remain sluggish at 1...
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In 2009, economic activity in Austria contracted by 3.4 percent in volume, somewhat less than the euro area average (-3.9 percent). As from the middle of the year, merchandise exports and industrial output started heading up as a result of the expansionary policy stance adopted worldwide. The...
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In the wake of the international economic crisis, Austrian exports have fallen precipitously year-on-year since early 2009. Yet, the fiscal counter-action taken in the industrialised countries is showing early positive effects. Not only in Austria, but in the entire euro area and the USA,...
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In 2008, the Austrian economy is set to grow by 2.3 percent in volume. While lively activity in manufacturing, construction and tourism boosted GDP in the first quarter more strongly than expected earlier this year, a cyclical slowdown is under way. A major factor is the unabated increase in oil...
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Die österreichische Wirtschaft wird heuer real um 1,7% wachsen. Impulse kommen insbesondere von der Ausfuhr. Die Industrie profitiert aufgrund ihrer engen Zulieferbeziehungen in erster Linie von der markanten Erholung der deutschen Exportwirtschaft. Die Investitionstätigkeit zeigt Tendenzen...
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Following an increase by 3.1 percent in 2007, economic growth in Austria will moderate to 2 percent this year. While demand and output in the first half of 2008 were clearly more dynamic than in the euro area as a whole, the momentum has slowed steadily since the beginning of the year....
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Die Wachstumsprognosen für 2005 und 2006 bleiben unverändert, aber das Risiko einer ungünstigeren Entwicklung ist größer geworden. Der weitere Konjunkturverlauf ist im Euro-Raum unsicher, da die Export- und Gewinnsteigerungen bisher noch nicht die erwartete Ausweitung von Investitionen und...
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The business cycle upturn that started in 2005 is continuing throughout the current year. After an increase of 3.1 percent in 2006, real GDP is expected to expand by 3.2 percent in 2007. While export growth is gradually decelerating, investment is gaining momentum to become the key driver of the...
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