Showing 71 - 80 of 340
The emergence of the world economic crises has lead to the stop of the economic growth and, implicitly, to the stagnation of economic development in Romania, with an obvious negative impact on sustainable development. Both the public component of the economy and the private sector are affected...
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The use of economic resources to produce economic goods is considered an activity that production efficiency is obtained with the lowest production cost in terms of the least opportunity cost for each item obtained. Economic Activity of Distributing goods to reach consumers is considered to be...
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În România, politica sociala este o politica coordonata de catre Ministerul Muncii, Solidaritatii Sociale si Familiei si sustinuta de activitatea altor ministere precum Ministerul Sanatatii si Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii. Domeniile de activitate ale politicii sociale nationale sunt:...
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The concept of ecotourism is widely misunderstood and it is often used as a marketing instrument in order to promote tourism businesses related to nature. It is well-known that from all sub-sectors of the tourism industry the ecotourism has experienced the fastest growth in the recent years, but...
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The contemporaneous evolution of the mondial economy, puts into light the important role of the brands in the dezvoltation of the mondial markets and the intrestatal commercial relationships. Having in sight the full evolution of the theory and practices of marketing, until now, we can say that,...
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A competitive marketing strategy will be ecological if: • on proposed to green customers and it’s proving the attractivity for they; • is based on at least one soustanable competititve advantage ; • improuves the enterprise’s marketing position as an ecological actor ; • perhaps to...
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Because in the specialty literature ,also in practical it talks about two different concepts,the one of the durable development and the other of the sustainable one,we propose,for the beginning to try a delimitation of them,in the purpose to be clear in the next material.<p>Paper:...</p>
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According to the WBCSD definition, eco-efficiency is achieved through the delivery of "competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life while progressively reducing environmental impacts of goods and resource intensity throughout the entire life-cycle to...
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We propose the estimation of a log-log Cobb-Douglas aggregate production function for the Palestinian industry. We find that traditional OLS estimates are not reliable (they are bad predictors), due to the fact that only limited is available (small samples), and variables are characterised by...
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Fiecare firma are o cultura – propriul set de crezuri, idealuri, valori si norme de conduita ce se reflecta în structurile, sistemele sale si în modul de abordare a elaborarii strategiei. Cultura organizationala deriva din trecutul si prezentul acesteia, din persoanele care activeaza în...
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