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First, to test the existence of random effects in semiparametric mixed models (SMMs) under only moment conditions on random effects and errors, we propose a very simple and easily implemented non-parametric test based on a difference between two estimators of the error variance. One test is...
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type="main" xml:id="sjos12044-abs-0001" <title type="main">ABSTRACT</title>The purpose of this article is threefold. First, variance components testing for ANOVA-type mixed models is considered, in which response may not be divided into independent sub-vectors, whereas most of existing methods are for models where...
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Inference for variance components in linear mixed models of ANOVA type, including estimation and testing, has been investigated when the number of fixed effects is fixed. However, for high-dimensional data, this number is large and would be regarded as a divergent value as the sample size goes...
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Although generalized cross-validation (GCV) has been frequently applied to select bandwidth when kernel methods are used to estimate non-parametric mixed-effect models in which non-parametric mean functions are used to model covariate effects, and additive random effects are applied to account...
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Due to the strikingly resemblance to the normal theory and inference methods, the inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution is commonly applied to model positive and right-skewed data. As the shape parameter in the IG distribution is greatly related to other important quantities such as the mean,...
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In this paper, we investigate checking the adequacy of varying coefficient models with response missing at random. In doing so, we first construct two completed data sets based on imputation and marginal inverse probability weighted methods, respectively. The empirical process-based tests by...
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When there are many predictors, how to efficiently impute responses missing at random is an important problem to deal with for regression analysis because this missing mechanism, unlike missing completely at random, is highly related to high-dimensional predictor vectors. In sufficient dimension...
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This paper considers estimation of the semiparametric multi-index model with missing covariates at random. A weighted estimating equation is suggested by invoking the inverse selection probability approach, and estimators of the indices are respectively defined when the selection probability is...
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This paper aims at investigating model checking for parametric models with response missing at random which is a more general missing mechanism than missing completely at random. Different from existing approaches, two tests have normal distributions as the limiting null distributions no matter...
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In parameter estimation, it is not a good choice to select a “best model” by some criterion when there is model uncertainty. Model averaging is commonly used under this circumstance. In this paper, transformation-based model averaged tail area is proposed to construct confidence interval,...
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