Showing 211 - 220 of 754
The paper investigates the allocation of public consumption expenditures in the UK. After reviewing the empirical literature on the demand for public services, which is based on applied consumer analysis, it discusses the budgetary making process in the UK. It proceeds by estimating a system of...
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Romania has been selected among the 10 Central and Eastern European candidates for EU membership, ranking second as importance after Poland, and is expected to join the Community in 2007. Romanian financial institutions have to face today adaptations and opportunities and banking business in the...
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In this paper we examine the emergence over the last two decades in the EU of a dominant policy paradigm on the reform of network industries. We consider the broad recommendations by the OECD and the European Commission, and the Directives adopted by the European Union on the reform of some...
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The paper discusses possible interpretations of the fall of the public enterprise in the economic ideology of the European left-wing parties. The first section rejects the claim that a technological shift has weakened the case for the nationalization of natural monopolies. Economies of scale in...
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School vouchers introduced recently in some Italian regions have lowered the cost of private schools. On one side, we provide evidence that Italian private schools may be selected for different reasons than quality considerations. On the other side, by exploiting individual data on voucher...
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La legge 17 Maggio n. 144 del 1999 richiedeva a tutte le amministrazioni centrali e regionali in Italia di dotarsi di un nucleo di valutazione degli investimenti pubblici a supporto dell'attività di programmazione "con la finalità di migliorare e... dare maggiore qualità ed efficienza al...
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We characterise the conditions for the existence of a mixed system of finance and provision of health-care by a social planner and a private market coexists. Private insurance/provision and public health-care provision cannot be consumed together, each individual has a certain probability of...
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Income per capita is an important and hence widely used measure in the construction of social welfare weights. This paper, however, aims to discuss the construction of social welfare weights based not merely on Income per capita but on equally distributed equivalent income (EDEI). For example,...
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The aim of this paper is to present an approach for solving the Stochastic Multi-Objective Programming (SMOP) through the Goal Programming (GP) model. We introduce a deterministic equivalent formulation and we show how GP can provide solutions to SMOP. The proposed method will be illustrated...
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This paper focuses on the practical use of cost-benefit analysis (or, more generally, of monetary valuation and other decision-making tools) in environmental policymaking. Based on a questionnaire sent to Environmental Ministries of OECD member countries, a review of the use of such analysis in...
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