Showing 101 - 110 of 960
Despite ambitious climate goals and already substantial stocks of developed fossil energy reserves, development of new fossil energy reserves continues to be high. This raises concerns, as it reinforces the fossil industry’s opportunities and incentives to continue extraction, and may...
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Game-theoretic models of international cooperation on climate change come to very different results regarding the stability of the grand coalition of all countries, depending on the stability concept used. In particular, the core-stability concept produces an encouraging result that does not...
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Angesichts der wachsenden klimapolitischen Herausforderungen streben mittlerweile viele Länder Europas bis zum Jahr 2050 eine Dekarbonisierung an, das heißt den Ausstieg aus der Nutzung fossiler Energieträger. Vor diesem Hintergrund präsentiert dieser Beitrag Prognosen des Energiebedarfs und...
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The coronavirus pandemic has affected the Gulf countries in a particular way. In addition to the direct consequences of the pandemic, the spread of the coronavirus has led to a collapse in demand for the Gulf countries' most important source of revenue: oil. Its price, which had fallen initially...
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Die Corona-Krise trifft die Golfstaaten auf besondere Weise. Neben den direkten Folgen hat die Pandemie die Nachfrage nach der wichtigsten Einnahmequelle einbrechen lassen, dem Erdöl. Der ohnehin durch den jüngsten Preiskrieg zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Russland gedrückte Ölpreis stürzte im...
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Climate policies can target either the demand or the supply of fossil fuels. While demandside policies have been analyzed in the literature and applied in policy-making, supply-side policies, e.g. deposit policies, are a promising option and a recent research focus. In this paper we study...
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The emergence of a mass market for electric vehicles (EVs) offers considerable development opportunities for resource exporters, given their intensive raw material requirements, including for cobalt, nickel, lithium, copper, aluminium, and manganese. To exploit the benefits of new demand,...
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Inspired by empirical evidence from the oil market, we build a model of an oligopoly facing a fringe as well as competition from renewable resources. We explore different subclasses of HARA utility functions (Cobb-Douglas, power and quadratic utility) to check the robustness of results found in...
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Peat is a fossil material and is since decades the major growing media constituent for horticulture in Europe. Because of its climate impacts, some European countries developed national strategies to reduce peat use. A coordinated European action would bring fairer and more effective impacts...
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Steam coal exporters face increasing uncertainty about future coal demand and risks of asset stranding. Nevertheless, new export-oriented coal mine projects are still brought forward. In this study, we use the coal sector model COALMOD-World to assess the economic prospects of investments in the...
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