Showing 161 - 170 of 960
Dieser Aufsatz argumentiert, dass die deutsche EE-Förderung auf einer falschen Konzeption beruht. Sie hat sich vorwiegend befehlswirtschaftlicher Methoden bedient und eine Staatsschuldillusion zu erzeugen versucht. Es verwundert infolgedessen nicht, dass enorme Kosten entstanden sind,...
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At present, the existing literature shows that the factors which influence the effectiveness of virtual teams for new product development are still ambiguous. To address this problem, a research design was developed, which includes detailed literature review, preliminary model and field survey....
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We assess the transmission of monetary policy shocks on oil prices using a VAR model. We identify monetary policy and financial activity shocks disentangled from demand and oil supply shocks using sign restrictions. We obtain the following main findings. (i) Monetary policy and financial...
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We study how restricting CO2 emissions affects resource prices and depletion over time. We use a Hotelling-style model with two non-renewable fossil fuels that differ in their carbon content (e.g. coal and natural gas) and in addition are imperfect substitutes in final good production. We show...
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This paper analyses whether prices and trade-flows in the international market for metallurgical coals were subject to non-competitive conduct in the period 2008 to 2010. To do so, I develop mathematical programming models – a Stackelberg model, two varieties of a Cournot model, and a perfect...
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Erdgas gewinnt weltweit immer größere Bedeutung bei der Umstrukturierung und Dekarbonisierung von Energiesystemen. Es ist flächendeckend verfügbar und flexibel einsetzbar in Verstromung, Industrie, Verkehr und im Haushaltsbereich. Im Vergleich zu anderen fossilen Energieträgern wird bei...
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This paper takes the policy failure in establishing a global carbon price for efficient emissions reduction as a starting point and analyzes to what extent technology policies can be a reasonable second-best approach. From a supply-side perspective, carbon capture and storage (CCS) policies...
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This paper presents the first empirical test of the green paradox hypothesis, according to which well-intended but imperfectly implemented policies may lead to detrimental environmental outcomes due to supply side responses. We use the introduction of the Acid Rain Program in the U.S. as a case...
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Policies aimed at reducing emissions from fossil fuels may increase climate damages. This Green Paradox emerges if resource owners increase near-term extraction in fear of stricter future policy measures. Hans-Werner Sinn (2008) showed that the paradox occurs when increasing resource taxes are...
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A sufficiently rapidly rising carbon tax may increase near-term emissions compared with the case of no carbon tax. Even so, such a carbon tax path may reduce total costs related to climate change, since the tax may reduce total carbon extraction. A government cannot commit to a specific carbon...
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