Showing 31 - 40 of 960
The effects of climate policies are often studied under the assumption of perfectly competitive markets for fossil fuels. In this paper, we allow for monopolistic fossil fuel supply. We show that, if fossil and renewable energy sources are perfect substitutes, a phase will exist during which the...
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The effects of climate policies are often studied under the assumption of perfectly competitive markets for fossil fuels. In this paper, we allow for monopolistic fossil fuel supply. We show that, if fossil and renewable energy sources are perfect substitutes, a phase will exist during which the...
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Die Innovationsfähigkeit der hoch entwickelten Industrieländer ist ihre wichtigste Quelle für Wohlstand und Wachstum. Das DIW Berlin hat in diesem Jahr zum dritten Mal im Auftrag der Deutschen Telekom Stiftung und des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) einen Gesamtindikator für...
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Zur Beurteilung der Innovationsfähigkeit eines Landes ist nicht nur seine aktuelle Position im internationalen Vergleich interessant, sondern auch die Entwicklung über längere Zeiträume hinweg. Um die mittelfristige Dynamik des deutschen Innovationssystems im internationalen Vergleich zu...
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Die Preise für metallische Rohstoffe streben, trotz jüngster leichter Rückgänge, in der Tendenz neuen Höchstständen entgegen. Eisenerz, der nach Rohöl zweitwichtigste Rohstoff, ist von einer besonders starken Konzentration auf der Anbieter- und der Nachfrageseite geprägt. Relativ neu ist...
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In this paper, we assess whether and to what extent financial activity in the oil futures markets has contributed to destabilize oil prices in recent years. We define a destabilizing financial shock as a shift in oil prices that is not related to current and expected fundamentals, and thereby...
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This paper studies the impacts on Western European CO2 emissions of a reduction in Norwegian gas sales. Such impacts are due to changes in energy demand, energy supply, and environmental and political regulations. The gas supply model DYNOPOLY is used to analyse the effects on Russian and...
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Departing from Hotelling's assumption of fixed and known reserves, in this paper I develop an economic model of additions to proven reserves that explicitly incorporates the effects of expected resource price, cumulative reserves development, and technological progress on reserves additions. The...
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This essay reviews the conceptual and quantitative literature on the efficient system of fossil fuel energy prices in different countries for reflecting supply and environmental costs, as well as the environmental, fiscal, and economic benefits from energy price reform. Drawing on recent...
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This paper analyzes the impact of declining extraction costs of shale oil producers on the choice of the policy instrument of a climate coalition in the presence of a monopolistic oil supplier such as OPEC. Shale oil producers' extraction costs represent an upper bound for the oil price OPEC can...
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