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Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Untersuchung des Stellenwertes und der Bedeutung von Innova-tionsnetzwerken bei der Gründungsentscheidung und nach erfolgtem Markteintritt. Für Unterneh-mensgründungen aus Wirtschaftszweigen mit hoher Innovationsintensität werden die Implikationen, die aus...
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Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrages steht die Analyse der Wirkungszusammenhänge zwischen Unternehmensgründungen, etablierten Unternehmen und Innovationsnetzwerken. Ausgehend von konzeptionellen und theoretischen Überlegungen über die Beziehungen zwischen betrieblichen Innovationsaktivitäten und...
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The center piece of this analysis is to investigate the interdependence between newly founded firms, established firms and innovation networks. On grounds of the reflections on firms' innovation activities and technological opportunities, the influence of network-membership (among other aspects)...
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Für neugegründete und etablierte Unternehmen gelten im Innovationsprozeß unterschiedliche Ausgangs- bzw. Rahmenbedingungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, welche Implikationen dies auf das betriebliche Innovationsverhalten hat und inwieweit sich beide Unternehmensgruppen...
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For newly-founded and established firms different initial or prevailing conditions apply in the innovation process. Against this background, the question arises as to what implications this has for a firm's innovation behaviour and to what extent both groups of companies differ significantly...
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The basis of competition in today’s marketplace is changing from one based on human labor, to one where the principle source of value creation is an organization’s knowledge, and the organization’s ability to rapidly acquire new knowledge through learning. The rise of the knowledge economy...
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This study examines the relationship between knowledge management (KM) (in terms of external acquisition and internal sharing) and innovation behavior. The concept of absorptive capacity and assumptions from the dynamic capabilities view underlie the proposed framework and hypotheses. The...
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This paper investigates the innovation effects of science-related technological opportunities. Against the background of theoretical considerations about the interrelation of innovation and the adaptation of external (knowledge) resources, the impacts of technological opportunities stemming from...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of technological opportunities on the innovation activities of firms, depending on their absorptive capacities. The importance and impacts of the ability of firms to use external knowledge sources were inquired especially for external knowledge...
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The objective of this paper is to identify the determinants of the decision to innovate in Taiwan. Three “innovation strategies” are considered : doing R&D only, importing technology only, and combining both. We estimate a Bivariate Probit on a panel of more than 27000 Taiwanese...
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