Showing 41 - 50 of 26,033
Cercetarea îsi propune sa analizeze o serie de efecte ale ISD în România, din punctul de vedere al volumului, structurii si dinamicii pe tipuri, sectoare si ramuri, regiuni de dezvoltare si tari de origine, precum si al impactului asupra profitului expatriat si reinvestit, a soldului balantei...
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Despite the recent rapid development and greater openness of China's economy, FDI flows between China and technologically advanced countries are relatively small in both directions. We assess global capital flows in light of China's quid pro quo policy of exchanging market access for transfers...
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The purpose of this paper is to assess under what conditions exchange rate volatility exerts a positive effect on a firm's labour demand. As the exchange rate volatility increases, so does the value of the export option provided the firm under study is flexible. Flexibility is important because...
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A nyolcvanas évek végétől Magyarország a külföldi működőtőkére alapozott modernizáció útjára lépett. 1999 végéig összességében közel 20 milliárd dollár működőtőke érkezett az országba. Ez a volumen a közép- és kelet-európai átalakuló régióban abszolút...
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A cikk a külföldi tőke külkereskedelemre gyakorolt hatásait térképezi fel Szlovéniában, Magyarországon, Csehországban és Szlovákiában az 19931996 közötti időszakra koncentrálva. A külföldi tulajdonrészesedésű vállalatok általában mind a négy országban...
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This paper examines the implications of global production sharing for the measurement of price elasticities in international trade using a unique disaggregated dataset relating to US manufacturing imports. It is found that imports of parts and components are remarkably less sensitive to changes...
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Charles P. Kindleberger is widely regarded as among the most accessible and intelligent practitioners of the economist's craft. This collection of his papers and lectures, articles and reviews, prepared over the past decade, focuses on the role of multinational corporations in the international...
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In this paper an index of financial competitiveness is calculated that corresponds to the market-to-book ratio of inward FDI stocks. For a panel of five advanced economies from 1980 to 2006 it is shown that price competitiveness, stable inflation rates and registered patents have a positive...
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This paper analyzes the macroeconomic effect of production relocation by using an open economy macroeconomic model. Our analysis shows, paradoxically, that acceleration in production relocation might have an expansive effect on the home economy. We also show that monetary expansion has...
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By using system of equations and OLS estimation techniques, this paper examines the impact of foreign capital inflows on domestic investment in Pakistan. The system of equation shows that there is more than one-for-one relation between FDI and domestic investment, while the role of portfolio and...
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