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We use household surveys to describe differences in wages, income, wealth and liquid assets of households born in their country of residence ("natives") vs. those born in other EU and non- EU countries ("immigrants"). The differences in wealth are more substantial than the differences in wages...
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Zusammenfassung Die Analyse von täglichen Änderungen der deutschen Umlaufsrendite für festverzinsliche Wertpapiere der öffentlichen Hand zeigt starke Evidenz für eine zeitliche Abhängigkeit in den Varianzen für die Periode Januar 1981 - Juli 1996. Der untersuchte Zeitraum umfaßt die...
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We analyze the long-run relationship between the world price of crude oil and international stock markets over 1971:1?2008:3 using a cointegrated vector error correction model with additional regressors. Allowing for endogenously identified breaks in the cointegrating and error correction...
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We analyze daily changes of two log foreign exchange (FX) rates involving the Deutsche Mark (DEM) for the period 1975 - 1998, namely FX-rates measured against the US dollar (USD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). Ta account for volatility e1ustering we fit a GARCH(l,l)-model with leptokurtic...
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This article presents an equivalence notion of finite order stochastic processes. Local dependence measures are defined in terms of joint and marginal densities. The dependence measures are classified topologically using level sets. The corresponding bifurcation theory is illustrated with some...
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Current thinking on African conflicts suffers from misinterpretations (oversimplification, lack of focus, lack of conceptual clarity, state-centrism and lack of vision). The paper analyses a variety of the dominant explanations of major international actors and donors, showing how these...
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We study the structure of the rest points of signaling games and their dynamic behavior under selection-mutation dynamics by taking the case of three signals as our canonical example. Many rest points of the replicator dynamics of signaling games are not isolated and, therefore, not robust under...
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This paper identifies and characterizes episodes of structural change in the 27 years that preceded the Great Recession. This is done by performing Bai-Perron (2003a, 2003b) tests on 61,843 time series that span 34 countries, which collectively accounted for 81% of Gross World Product in 2013....
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