Showing 121 - 130 of 224
We use an economy-wide model to analyze the effects of three broad programs to reduce illegal immigrants in U.S. employment: tighter border security; taxes on employers; and vigorous prosecution of employers. After looking at macroeconomic, industry and occupational effects, we decompose the...
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This paper is motivated by the empirical observation that in many studies the elasticity of output with respect to labour is often negative and/or insignificant. The present study applies multiple output models to estimate the technical efficiency of enterprises in the international electricity,...
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Plans for APEC trade liberalisation include the elimination of all tariffs between member states. In this paper we use two computable general equilibrium models to examine the effects of these plans, focussing on China. Our modelling shows that liberalisation increases China's capital stock and...
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Economic impact statements are part and parcel of project proponents seeking government assistance, infrastructure, or environmental clearance. Such impact assessments are increasingly being conducted with computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. Frequently, however, CGE modellers do not...
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This paper focuses on one way a linearized representation of a nonlinear economic model can be used to obtain arbitrarily accurate solutions to simulations. The key is a method for translating a simulation problem directly to a so-called initial value problem. Since many different methods for...
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The contribution of an industry to the economy is often measured by an input-output calculation showing labour used directly in the industry and indirectly via the production of intermediate inputs for the industry. This paper demonstrates an alternative approach based on simulations with a...
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In this paper we desribe a general equilibrium model of the world economy, designed to simulate the effect of a liberalization of world food trade. Our model owes much to Tyers (1985) partial equilibrium model which covered trade between 30 countries in 7 agricultural commodities. It also...
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This paper describes some key developments to USAGE, a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the US economy, aimed at enhancing its utility in agricultural and bio-fuels/bio-energy analysis. The USAGE model is a large-scale dynamic CGE model of the US economy developed by the...
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We estimate a simultaneous discrete choice model for welfare participation and labour supply of two-adult households in Australia using the Income and Housing Costs Survey of 1994/1995. In this paper only unemployment-related welfare payments are considered. Welfare participation is assumed to...
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Two large applied general equilibrium models, GTAP and MONASH, are used in this paper to simulate the elimination of trade barriers among the members of APEC. These models focus respectively on global trading relations and on the detailed sectoral, occupational, and regional dimensions of the...
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