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settle environmental concerns. While economic development affects the extent of the negotiation outcomes, the bargaining …
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We study a two-sector endogenous growth model where a single consumption good is obtained using a renewable resource in combination with physical capital. Both inputs are essential for production and technical substitutes. In this context we analyze the issues of sustainability, long-run and...
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Until about 13,000 years ago all humans obtained their food through hunting and gathering, but thereafter people in some parts of the world began a transition to agriculture. Recent data strongly implicate climate change as the driving force behind the agricultural transition in southwest Asia....
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, parliamentary composition, coalition formation, and bargaining are endogenous. We compare this constitution to delegation of …
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We consider a small open economy in which the level of public education funding is determined by popular vote. We show that growth can be enhanced by the introduction of pay-as-you-go pensions even if the growth rate of aggregate wages falls short of the interest rate. The reason is that the...
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This paper introduces consumption externalities into an endogenous growth model of common capital accumulation and characterizes balanced growth equilibria. Contrary to the standard argument in previous studies, we show that the growth rate in a feedback Nash equilibrium can be higher than that...
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model with non-contractible investment ex ante but frictionless bargaining over the externality ex post. In this framework …, a party may distort its investment to worsen the other's threat point in bargaining. We demonstrate that the presence of …
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This paper studies the political economy of resource management in an OLG framework with an intertemporal externality problem. The externality arises because a common resource used for production is depleted by production of dirtygoods. An intergenerational conict arises because the young...
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This paper examines the intergenerational costs and benefits of environmental regulation in the context of climate change. We believe this issue has not been adequately addressed in comparison with the search for e¢ciency-induced outcomes in the relevant literature.
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This paper studies the political economy of resource management in an OLG framework with an intertemporal externality problem. The externality arises because a common resource used for production is depleted by production of "dirty" goods. An intergenerational conflict arises because the young...
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