Showing 271 - 280 of 19,402
The problem of filtering and smoothing for a system described by approximately linear dynamic and measurement relations has been studied for many decades. Yet the potential problem of misspecified dynamics, which makes the usual probabilistic assumptions involving normality and independence...
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Exact equations are presented for sequentially updating the optimal solution for a discrete-time analog of the basic Sridhar nonlinear filtering problem as the process length increases and new observations are obtained. A tabular method is described for implementing numerically the sequential...
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The purpose of this paper is to propose discrete-time term structure models where the historical dynamics of the factor (xt) is given, in the univariate case, by a Gaussian AR(p) process, and, in the multivariate case, by a Gaussian n-dimensional VAR(p) process. The factor (xt) is considered as...
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The purpose of the paper is to propose a global discrete-time modeling of the term structure of interest rates able to capture simultaneously the following important features : (i) an historical dynamics of the factor driving term structure shapes involving several lagged values, and switching...
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We consider the problems of derivative pricing and inference when the stochastic discount factor has an exponential-affine form and the geometric return of the underlying asset has a dynamics characterized by a mixture of conditionally Normal processes. We consider both the static case in which...
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This paper addresses the following questions: Are the major European stock markets more integrated after the introduction of the Euro? How much of the change in the stock indices in different European countries can be attributed to innovations in other markets? How fast are events occurring in...
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We estabilsh the relationships between certain Bayesian and classical approaches to instrumental variables regression. We determine the form of priors that lead to posteriors for structural paameters that have similar properties as classical 2SLS and LIML and in doing so provide some new insight...
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Deconvolving kernel estimators when noise is Gaussian entail heavy calculations. In order to obtain the density estimates numerical evaluation of a specific integral is needed. This work proposes an approximation to the deconvolving kernel which simplifies considerably calculations by avoiding...
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In this paper, we develop methods of the determination of the rank of random matrix. Using the matrix perturbation theory to construct or find a suitable bases of the kernel (null space) of the matrix and to determine the limiting distribution of the estimator of the smallest singular values. We...
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