Showing 81 - 90 of 424
Whereas Senegal has long been sold as a showcase of democracy in Africa, including peaceful political alternance, things apparently changed fundamentally with the Senegalese presidentials of 2019 that brought new configurations. One of the major issues was political side-switching that has been...
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The decision of African leaders on the creation of an African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in 2018 was not merely a political decision with economic implications. It has significant and complex ethical dimensions too. This, not only concerning a possible trade-off between economic growth...
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A 'democratic recession' is to be observed, which is not restricted to Sub-Sahara Africa but spreads worldwide since the beginning of the 21st century. Instead of concentrating on the outward appearance of a democratic form of government, greater attention should be paid to good governance and...
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The international discussion of Trump's dispute over import tariffs for steel, aluminum and even cars is so far focused on the big global players. However, African countries in particular could suffer too from the planned punitive tariffs, analogous to the famous African proverb, "When elephants...
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High-flying illusions on the part of the proponents and grim predictions of the sceptics characterize the controversy about Brexit. The article analyses five issues at stake for the Post-Brexit relationships between Britain, the EU and Africa with a focus on the Commonwealth Sub-Saharan Africa:...
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The political economy of occult belief in Africa can highlight hidden social and political conflict in times of transition which remain otherwise undetected. This has been demonstrated in taking the development of witchcraft accusations over time as indicator, and the Nupe of Northern Nigeria as...
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Rund 50 Jahre lang galt die Franc-Zone in West- und Zentralafrika als Hort wirtschaftlicher und politischer Stabilität. Der festgesetzte Wechselkurs des Franc CFA mit dem französischen Franc nutzte vor allem der afrikanischen Elite, die günstig in Europa einkaufen konnte, und französischen...
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International election observation has become a valuable means of supporting African democratic polity. Notably, EU observer missions adopting a professional approach are meant to shield against political pressures from partisan stakeholder interests. However, this growing professionalism did...
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Die Einführung des Euro zu Beginn des Jahres 1999 hat eine in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit bisher wenig beachtete Nebenwirkung; sie wird einen wesentlichen Einfluß auf die Wirtschaftsentwicklung der west- und zentralafrikanischen Franc-Zone ausüben. Da der Franc CFA (¹) über ein...
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Flucht und Migration aus den Ländern der Dritten Welt haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein vorher nie gekanntes Ausmaß angenommen und sie werden zukünftig voraussichtlich noch alles bisher Dagewesene übertreffen. Afrika ist von diesen Wanderungsbewegungen besonders stark betroffen. Obwohl...
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