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humaines et du financement, de meme que le succes de chaque type d'innovateur. Une taxonomie des types d'innovation est …'enquete liees a l'innovation. Ces groupes correspondent a differents stades du cycle de vie des produits. Au premier stade, les … selon les types d'innovation. Les innovateurs complets ont tendance a acquerir des competences superieures a celles des …
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Le present article donne la comparaison de la taille et de la composition de l'emploi dans le secteur des sciences et du genie au Canada et aux Etats Unis. Nous examinons la part de l'emploi remunere et des gains tires d'un emploi remunere imputables a la main d'oeuvre en sciences et en genie...
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Dans ce document, on vise a determiner si les investissements dans les technologies de l'information et des communications, combines a des changements organisationnels et aux competences des travailleurs, contribuent a ameliorer le rendement des entreprises canadiennes.
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This paper investigates the evolution of industrial structure in the Canadian food processing sector and its relationship to technological change. It uses 1998 special survey data on advanced technology use, plant characteristics and plant performance.
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L'etude porte sur les differences observees dans les principes que respectent les entreprises innovatrices et non innovatrices. Les auteurs examinent une multitude de strategies relatives a la commercialisation, aux finances, a la production, a la gestion et aux ressources humaines afin de...
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This study investigates differences in the policies being pursued by innovative and non-innovative firms. It focuses on a broad group of strategies -- in marketing, finance, production, management and human resources and asks whether there are key areas in which the strategies being followed by...
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This paper compares the size and composition of science and engineering employment in Canada and the United States. It examines the share of paid employment and paid earnings accounted for by the science and engineering workforce in both countries. Our tabulations distinguish between a core...
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This paper examines the issue of whether investment in information and communication technologies, combined with organizational changes and worker skills, contribute to better performance in Canadian firms.
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This paper summarizes the findings of a research program aimed at outlining the importance to the firm growth process of competencies that arise from investments in intangible assets. The program has consisted of two parts. First, longitudinal databases have provided a rich set of studies on...
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Dans ce document, on etudie l'evolution de la structure industrielle du secteur canadien de la transformation des aliments et le lien entre cette evolution et le changement technologique. On utilise egalement les donnees d'une enquete speciale menee en 1998 sur l'utilisation de la technologie de...
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