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This paper derives conditions for the existence of fourth moments of multivariate GARCH processes in the general vector specification and gives explicit results for the fourth moments and autocovariances of the squares and cross-products. Results are provided for the kurtosis and co-kurtosis...
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By extending the GARCH option pricing model of Duan (1995) to more flexible volatility es- timation it is shown that the prices of out-of-the-money options strongly depend on volatility features such as asymmetry. Results are provided for the properties of the stationary pricing distribution in...
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Chapter written for the Handbook of Volatility Models and their Applications, edited by Luc Bauwens, Christian Hafner, and Sébastien Laurent, forthcoming in 2012 (John Wiley & sons). This chapter presents an introductory review of volatility models and some applications. The review is linked...
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The deregulation of European electricity markets has led to an increasing need in understanding the volatility and correlation structure of electricity prices. We model a multivariate futures series of the European Energy Exchange (EEX) index, using an asymmetric GARCH model for volatilities and...
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A new heteroskedastic hedonic regression model is suggested. It takes into account time-varying volatility and is applied to a blue chips art market. Furthermore, a nonparametric local likelihood estimator is used. This estimator is more precise than the often used dummy variables method. The...
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The prices of wine is a key topic for market participants interested in valuing their stock, including dealers, restaurants or consumers who may be interested in optimizing their purchases. As a closely related issue, re-valuation is the need to regularly update the value of a stock. This need...
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The EGARCH is a popular model for discrete time volatility since it allows for asymmetric effects and naturally ensures positivity even when including exogenous variables. Estimation and inference is usually done via maximum likelihood. Although some progress has been made recently, a complete...
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