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Ces cinq dernières années, le cadre réglementaire régissant le système scolaire italien a radicalement changé. Après des décennies pendant lesquelles on a annoncé la réforme, débattu, proposé, expérimenté, l’école de demain est sur le point de se concrétiser. Est-il possible de...
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The legislative framework of the Italian education system has changed radically over the past five years. After decades of announcing, discussing, proposing and experimenting with reform, the school of tomorrow is rapidly becoming a reality. Is it possible today to construct school buildings...
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Ces cinq dernières années, le cadre réglementaire régissant le système scolaire italien a radicalement changé. Après des décennies pendant lesquelles on a annoncé la réforme, débattu, proposé, expérimenté, l’école de demain est sur le point de se concrétiser. Est-il possible de...
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It’s elementary: students benefit from pre-primary education. The OECD’s PISA 2009 results show that in practically all OECD countries 15-year-old students who had attended some pre-primary school outperformed students who had not. In fact, the difference between students who had attended...
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Science project. The very phrase is nearly synonymous with hands-on learning, learning-by-doing, collaboration. Are students more engaged and do they perform better in science if their school encourages them to work on science projects, participate in science fairs, belong to a science-related...
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School systems handle the challenges of diverse student populations in different ways. Some countries have non-selective and comprehensive school systems that seek to provide all students with similar opportunities, leaving it to individual schools and teachers to meet the particular needs of...
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C’est une évidence : l’enseignement préprimaire est bénéfique pour les élèves. Les résultats de l’enquête PISA 2009 montrent que, dans la quasi-totalité des pays de l’OCDE, les élèves de 15 ans ayant suivi un enseignement préprimaire obtiennent de meilleurs résultats que les...
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<UL> <LI>In most OECD countries, newly arrived 15-year-old immigrant students show poorer reading performance than immigrant students who arrived in their new country when they were younger than five. </LI> <LI>Students who emigrated from less-developed countries where the home language differs from their new...</li></li></ul>
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