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Le nouveau Centre d’apprentissage créatif de l’école secondaire pour filles Brisbane Girls Grammar School a été conçu pour regrouper les études artistiques, auparavant disséminées sur l’ensemble du campus, et pour servir de lieu de rencontre et de coeur technologique à toutes les...
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Brisbane Girls Grammar School’s new Creative Learning Centre was conceived to group arts studies which were previously scattered across the campus and to serve all students as a meeting place and technology hub. The building is specifically designed to provide the most flexible and innovative...
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Le nouveau Centre d’apprentissage créatif de l’école secondaire pour filles Brisbane Girls Grammar School a été conçu pour regrouper les études artistiques, auparavant disséminées sur l’ensemble du campus, et pour servir de lieu de rencontre et de coeur technologique à toutes les...
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It’s elementary: students benefit from pre-primary education. The OECD’s PISA 2009 results show that in practically all OECD countries 15-year-old students who had attended some pre-primary school outperformed students who had not. In fact, the difference between students who had attended...
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Science project. The very phrase is nearly synonymous with hands-on learning, learning-by-doing, collaboration. Are students more engaged and do they perform better in science if their school encourages them to work on science projects, participate in science fairs, belong to a science-related...
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School systems handle the challenges of diverse student populations in different ways. Some countries have non-selective and comprehensive school systems that seek to provide all students with similar opportunities, leaving it to individual schools and teachers to meet the particular needs of...
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C’est une évidence : l’enseignement préprimaire est bénéfique pour les élèves. Les résultats de l’enquête PISA 2009 montrent que, dans la quasi-totalité des pays de l’OCDE, les élèves de 15 ans ayant suivi un enseignement préprimaire obtiennent de meilleurs résultats que les...
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<UL> <LI>In most OECD countries, newly arrived 15-year-old immigrant students show poorer reading performance than immigrant students who arrived in their new country when they were younger than five. </LI> <LI>Students who emigrated from less-developed countries where the home language differs from their new...</li></li></ul>
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