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We revisit the issue of self-fulfilling “waves of enthusiasm” as stationary rational expectations equilibrium outcomes in endogenous-growth models that merge the quality-ladders with the expanding-variety mechanism. By considering a lab-equipment specification with vertical-innovation...
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This paper develops a tournament model of horizontal and vertical R&D under a lab-equipment specification. A key feature is that the overall growth rate is endogenous, as the splitting of the growth rate between the intensive and the extensive margin is itself endogenous. This setup gives rise...
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This paper revisits the results of the pioneering models of the firm under demand uncertainty and analyses the apparent disparity with respect to the signal of the investment-uncertainty relationship predicted by them. In the 1970’s-1980’s the modelling of demand uncertainty at the firm...
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We develop a multi-sector model of R&D-driven endogenous growth that merges the expanding-variety with the quality-ladders mechanism. The mechanism of expanding variety provides the flow of new firms (new product lines), whilst the mechanism of quality ladders provides the accumulation of...
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Hartman (1972) and Abel (1983) showed that when firms are competitive and there is flexibility of labour relative to capital, marginal profitability of capital is a convex function of the stochastic variable (e.g., price); by Jensen’s inequality, this means that uncertainty increases the...
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É atribuído ao empreendedorismo e aos empreendedores um conjunto de características cujo desenvolvimento tem sido considerado prioritário pelas autoridades públicas dos mais diferentes países. Não obstante o empreendedorismo na sua forma mais comum, i.e. ‘comercial’, estar...
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Culture and art are emerging as the principal components of the creative industries raising their attractiveness in urban centers. Economics apparently does not have a direct connection with culture and art. However, a closer look into de reality shows that economics and arts are intrinsically...
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Poucos estudos empíricos têm sido feitos sobre empreendedorismo social, em particular, sobre o trabalho feito por indivíduos ou organizações cujo objectivo é solucionar problemas de cariz social. As empresas juniores e associações de alunos criadas no seio do sistema de ensino superior,...
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In this study we test the trade Global Engagement hypothesis in which firms more globally engaged – either multinationals or exporters – are more innovative. The test is applied to 4818 Portuguese enterprises´ data for the period 2002-2004 through the use of the fourth Portuguese Community...
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