Showing 39,771 - 39,780 of 39,891
Çalışmanın hedefi telekomünikasyon altyapısı ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin yönünü OECD ülkeleri için belirlemektir. Bu amaçla ampirik model 21 OECD ülkesi için 1975-2012 periyodunu kapsayacak şekilde uygulanmıştır. Önceki çalışmalardan farklı...
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Özellikle Avrupa Birliği çerçeve programları kapsamındaki araştırmalarda ülkelerarası ortak çalışma şart koşulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada farklı ülkelerden yapılan ortak çalışmalar ile fen bilimleri ve sosyal bilimlerdeki kaliteli yayın miktarı, araştırmacı sayısı ve...
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This paper analyses the relationship between income inequality and economic growth through fiscal policy. To this end, we present and estimate two systems of structural equiation with error components through which gross income inequality determines different fiscal policy outcomes, which...
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This paper aims to isolate the ethnic gap on the labor market that can be attributed to ethnicity and not to differences in individual characteristics or residential location. Controlling for residential location is important as ethnic minorities often live in distressed neighborhoods. It is...
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We use an extensive dataset on occupational wages to measure the manufacturing skill premium and evaluate the importance of the main drivers in literature plus the effects of natural resources and institutions. Results, regarding a panel of 21 countries between 1987 and 2003, suggest the...
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This paper considers model selection in nonlinear panel data models where incidental parameters or large-dimensional nuisance parameters are present. Primary interest typically centres on selecting a model that best approximates the underlying structure involving parameters that are common...
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We conduct two experiments where subjects make a sequence of binary choices between risky and ambiguous binary lotteries. Risky lotteries are defined as lotteries where the relative frequencies of outcomes are known. Ambiguous lotteries are lotteries where the relative frequencies of outcomes...
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This paper studies a general class of nonlinear varying coefficient time series models with possible nonstationarity in both the regressors and the varying coffiecient components. The model accommodates a cointegrating structure and allows for endogeneity with contemporaneous correlation among...
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This paper is an exposition of an experiment on revealed preferences, where we posit a novel discrete binary choice model. To estimate this model, we use general estimating equations or GEE. This is a methodology originating in biostatistics for estimating regression models with correlated data....
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Demokratikus országok kormányai általában hajlamosak osztogatással készülni a választásokon való megmérettetésre, és ebből a szempontból a közép-kelet-európai régió új demokráciái sem látszanak kivételeknek. A cikk a választási gazdaságpolitika e régióbeli...
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