Showing 39,781 - 39,790 of 39,891
A magyar szakirodalom a hazai banki hitelezésiveszteség-elszámolási gyakorlat vizsgálatára eddig kevés figyelmet fordított. Pedig a nemzetközi tapasztalatok alapján elmondható, hogy a veszteségelszámolás nagyságrendjénél fogva nemcsak meghatározó eleme a bankok pénzügyi...
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This paper estimates the causal impact of retirement among the 50-69 year-old on Body Mass Index (BMI), the probability of being either overweight or obese and the probability of being obese. Based on the 2004, 2006 and 2010-11 waves of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe...
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Using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimation (SURE) technique, we examine the implications of four different types of foreign capital inflows, namely; Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Official Development Assistance (ODA), Foreign Private Investment (FPI) and Remittances (REM) on output...
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We assess the effect of income inequality on life expectancy by performing separate estimations for developed and developing countries. Our empirical analysis challenges the widely held view that inequality matters more for health in richer countries than for health in poorer countries....
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Many empirical projects involve estimation with clustered data. While estimation is straightforward, reliable inference can be challenging. Past research has suggested a number of bootstrap procedures when there are few clusters. I demonstrate, using Monte Carlo experiments, that these bootstrap...
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A pseudo-panel of Italian single households is used to test for rational addiction in alcohol consumption. These monthly consumption data raise problems of measurement errors and unobservable heterogeneity. To deal with the zeros in the dependent variable we adopt a specification based on...
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This paper investigates determinants of agricultural sector efficiency in ten new member states (NMS-10) of the European Union (EU) from Central and Eastern European countries by the non-parametric method Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the panel data analysis. The agricultural sector...
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Neural networks - feed-forward neural networks and Elman's simplerecurrent neural networks - are compared with vector ARMA models- VAR and VARMA - in this paper. They are compared in anartificial stock market. One risk free and one risky asset aretraded in the market. There are only trend...
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We use longitudinal linked employer-employee data and find that the probability of participating in firm-sponsored classroom training diminishes rapidly for workers aged 45 years and older. Although the standard human capital investment model predicts such a decline, we also consider the...
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A source of anxiety of policy makers and the public in general is the detrimental impactof globalization and immigration on unemployment. The transitory restrictions forworker migration after the EU enlargements of 2004 and 2007 exemplify the supposednegative effect of immigration on labor...
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