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This paper shows that the evolution of the level of Mexico real and real per capita output between 1895 and 2008 can be adequately described through a trendstationary model, affected by 4 structural breaks, which occurred at dates that seem to coincide with domestic institutional arrangements,...
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This paper presents the R implementation of the panel covariate augmented Dickey-Fuller (panel-CADF) test proposed in Costantini and Lupi (2011), as well as the implementation of the tests advocated in Choi (2001) and Demetrescu, Hassler, and Tarcolea (2006). A panel-CADF extension of the test...
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In this paper, we re-examine stationarity of the Australian real exchange rate (RER). For this purpose, we modify the test of Kapetanios et al. [Testing for a unit root in the nonlinear STAR framework. Journal of Econometrics 112 (2003), 359-379] to allow for a nonlinear trend function in the...
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This paper analyzes and employs two versions of the Functional Central Limit Theorem within the framework of a unit root with a structural break. Initial attention is focused on the probabilistic structure of the time series to be considered. Later, attention is placed on the asymptotic theory...
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In this paper we re-analyze the nature of the trend (deterministic or stochastic) in the Nelson–Plosser macroeconomic data set from an alternative method relative to the previous studies. We underline the effects of large, but infrequent shocks due to major economic or financial events on US...
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Testing for unit roots in short-term interest rates plays a key role in the empirical modelling of these series. It is widely assumed that the volatility of interest rates follows some time-varying function which is dependent of the level of the series. This may cause distortions in the...
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This paper investigates the finite sample distribution of the least squares estimator of the autoregressive parameter in a first-order autoregressive model. Uniform asymptotic expansion for the distribution applicable to both stationary and nonstationary cases is obtained. Accuracy of...
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This paper presents a new multivariate test for the detection of unit roots. Use is made of the possible correlations between the disturbances of different series, and constrained and unconstrained SURE estimators are employed. The corresponding asymptotic distributions are obtained and a table...
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In this paper two techniques, long memory and panel data models, are combined in order to increase the power of unit root tests. The power is shown to be always better against fractional alternatives and usually against autoregressive alternatives. The test is then used to reanalyze data sets...
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In this paper we derive tests for parameter constancy when the data generating process is non-stationary against the hypothesis that the parameters of the model change smoothly over time. To obtain the asymptotic distributions of the tests we generalize many theoretical results, as well as new...
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