Showing 131 - 140 of 1,441
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We use a spatial general equilibrium model with potential commuting of workers between their place of work and their place of residence to analyze the effects of rush hours on the spatial allocation of employment and population, average labor productivity and the housing market. Abolishing...
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In this paper, we provide novel evidence on the contemporaneous and persistent effects of regional policy. We apply a quasi-experimental identification strategy exploiting the fact that municipalities in the West-German Zonenrandgebiet (ZRG) were eligible for substantial regional transfers...
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We estimate the spatially differential effects of a nationally uniform minimum wage that was introduced in Germany in 2015. To this end, we use a micro data set covering the universe of employed and unemployed individuals in Germany from 2011 to 2016 and a difference‐in‐differences based...
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Die Reduzierung regionaler Ungleichheiten ist in Deutschland ein zentrales Anliegen der Politik. Dabei erhoffen sich Politiker oft, dass temporäre Förderung einen sich selbst tragenden Entwicklungsprozess in Gang setzt. Der Umfang regionaler Umverteilung ist sowohl auf nationaler wie...
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