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indicators are used to nowcast each expenditure component of GDP. The nowcasting framework is found to be a valuable tool in …
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2018. The DFM methodology offers a powerful and tractable means of nowcasting economic growth while accounting for mixed … content for GDP growth in India, a novel result from the viewpoint of the existing nowcasting literature. …
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monthly indicators in nowcasting GDP growth. These insights should help improve recently developed high-frequency indicators. …
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approaches to the short term forecasting (nowcasting) of real GDP growth in India and evaluates methods to optimally gauge the …
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We produce predictions of the previous, the current, and the next quarter of NorwegianGDP. To this end, we estimate a Bayesian Dynamic Factor model on a panel of 14variables (all followed closely by market operators) ranging from 1990 to 2011. By meansof a real time forecasting exercise we show...
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The multivariate analysis of a panel of economic and financial time series with mixed frequencies is a challenging problem. The standard solution is to analyze the mix of monthly and quarterly time series jointly by means of a multivariate dynamic model with a monthly time index: artificial...
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We develop a small-scale dynamic factor model for the Swiss economy based on an appropriately selected set of indicators. The resulting business cycle factor is in striking accordance with historical Swiss business cycle fluctuations. Our proposed model demonstrates a remarkable performance in...
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The multivariate analysis of a panel of economic and financial time series with mixed frequencies is a challenging problem. The standard solution is to analyze the mix of monthly and quarterly time series jointly by means of a multivariate dynamic model with a monthly time index: artificial...
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-noise dynamic factor models, commonly used in macroeconomic forecasting and nowcasting. We show analytically and in Monte Carlo … estimation accuracy. Modestly increasing the noise level also accelerates convergence. A nowcasting exercise of euro area GDP …
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Common sense tells that historical data are more informative for the estimation of today's nowcasting models when … procedure of GDP nowcasting models, in which observations are weighted based on the similarity with the current economic state … significant nowcasting gains for predicting GDP growth in Belgium as compared to traditional unweighted approaches. …
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